Donald Trump’s bold statement in times of Political Correctness

Donald Trump right wing kim jong un

In light of the Orlando terrorist shooting, Donald Trump has launched a scathing attack on the United States of America’s Immigration policies and Hillary Clinton’s plans to import hundreds and thousands of Migrants from the Middle East. If one could look past the mindless fear mongering by the mainstream media and the character assassination carried out by the press, one would notice that Donald Trump merely speaks common sense and what seems a very obvious and logical response at a time when Islamic Radicalism is on the rise.

Donald Trump addressed every issue that needs to be dealt with to curb the rising threat of terrorism with resounding clarity, from a disastrous immigration system that led to Omar Mateen’s Taliban supporting father to be admitted into the country to the political correctness which has made it impossible to deal with the core issues at hand effectively. Donald Trump declared, “They have put political correctness above common sense, above your safety, and above all else. I refuse to be politically correct.”

Trump has again called out Hillary Clinton on her refusal to use the words ‘Radical Islam’. After the Orlando attack, at which point it would have been embarrassing for Hillary Clinton to deny recognize Radical Islam, Clinton did state she has no quibbles about using the term for which Trump again claimed the moral victory. Trump firmly asserted that Clinton couldn’t claim to be a protector of LGBT Rights if she continues to advocate for bringing in more migrants who harbour beliefs which threaten the safety of the LGBT community.

Donald Trump has spoken about the threat that Radical Islam presents with remarkable clarity, which President Obama and Hillary Clinton have refused to due to the shackles of Political Correctness that bind them. It is obvious to anyone with the brains of a two year old Baboon that Trump hit the nail on his head when he said, “Many of the principles of Radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions.” Not too long ago, Donald Trump also asserted Western values are not universal, something the political class of the USA have failed to acknowledge and the Liberals refuse to acknowledge.

Donald Trump stands vindicated on his proposed temporary Muslim ban from the Middle East. Trump drew much flak from the Leftist establishment for his alleged Xenophobia which is no more than another attempt at character assassination of a celebrity/politician who does not endorse the Liberal worldview. Donald Trump emphasised that the United States could not afford to continue to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants whose core beliefs are incompatible with the cherished American way of life. In his words, he wants ‘a mainstream immigration policy that promotes American values.’

Donald Trump offered sympathies with the LGBT community at this time of great sorrow and vowed to do everything in his power to protect them under his Presidency. Trump stated, “I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, Jewish people are targets of persecution and intimation by radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence.” A video went viral after the Orlando shooting where a radical Imam called for the death of homosexuals. It is shocking that in the heart of America, such hatred could be openly propagated without any inhibition.

Donald Trump has blamed the ‘dysfunctional’ immigration system for the threat of home-grown Terrorism that America faces today. He also mentioned that there are already too many radicalized people in America due to policies of the past. He has resolutely asserted that America would be much safer if hundreds and thousands of people, many of whom were already radicalized, were not permitted to enter America without proper and hard background checks.

Trump thrashed Hillary Clinton on her immigration and foreign policies which have jeopardized the security and interests of the nation. Trump has claimed Hillary’s immigration policies would cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars and further stretch the American economy which is already reeling under 19 trillion dollars worth of debt. Trump has criticized Hillary for the Libyan war which allowed ISIS to grow and occupy more territory and resources.

Even before Trump’s statement, LGBT organizations had begun endorsing him for President. Later, on Facebook, Trump attacked Clinton for accepting huge donations from countries which have absolutely horrendous records of LGBT Rights. Conservative homosexual and journalist for Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos has been advocating for months for the LGBT community to vote for Donald Trump as he is the only one who has been opposing the entry of migrants from the Middle East who hate homosexuals. It seems after Orlando, Milo’s message is finally gaining traction with the LGBT community.

Trump, who has been accused of Anti-Muslim bigotry often in the past, has urged the Muslim community to cooperate with law enforcement and has emphasized on the necessity of forming a partnership with the ‘great’ Muslim communities in the country. He has asserted that people from the Muslim community know who the rotten apples are and they must turn them over to Law enforcement to help with the security of the country. Trump has vowed to protect every American regardless of religious belief or race or sexual orientation provided they follow the American laws and not ‘some other laws.’

Donald Trump, over the course of his campaign, has single handedly brought down the edifice of the tyranny of Political Correctness.

Classmates of Omar Mateen have revealed Mateen was cheering when the 9/11 attacks occurred and another of his co-worker apparently reported Mateen’s eccentric and hateful behavior to the authorities and was silenced him for the sake of Political Correctness. Trump’s greatest accomplishment might be that he has driven home the message that common sense and harsh truth aren’t Hate Speech or bigotry. It’s essential for a nation to prosper. In his closing statements, Trump reiterated, “We will make America rich again. We will make America safe again. We will Make America Great Again.”

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