Has Donald Trump started snatching jobs already?

Donald Trump

History was written on this date. The 9th of November marks a tectonic shift in global politics and the dawn of a new era. With Donald Trump registering a thumping defeat against Hillary Clinton in the United States Presidential Elections, it underscores a thorough rejection of the establishment elite by the unwavering masses. Trump’s victory was Brexit all over again, on a scale far grander.

The enormity of the events that have transpired today will take quite a few weeks to sink in. The sheer improbability of Trump’s victory demands a moment of solemn reflection for the immense magnitude of it. Donald Trump’s victory defies every logic that has been ingrained in our minds and it renders one speechless. Donald Trump who was mocked by President Obama with the words, “At least I will go down as President,” has registered probably the most shocking victory in the entire history of American politics. In the battle between David and the Goliaths, David has emerged victorious once again.

Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of quite a few industries today. He has effectively snatched their jobs or has at least rendered them insignificant. The polls have failed monumentally to predict the outcome of this election. Almost every single poll had Hillary Clinton winning comfortably even until yesterday.

For instance, CNN had Clinton with over 80% chance of winning at the start of the day. It seemed the election was settled days going into the Big Day. But the Americans had a surprise up their sleeves for the whole lot of them. Donald Trump has once and for all annihilated the political pundits and made them look like clowns in a circus. The self-absorbed insufferable pundits living blissfully in their echo chamber who could be found droning on and on across various news channels explaining an inevitable Clinton Presidency would be left red-faced with embarrassment today. Some of them might as well pack up and leave for the Himalayas, wisdom perhaps will dawn on them then.

The Trump phenomenon has completely decimated the credibility of the mainstream media. Of course, it received some considerable help from Julian Assange in this regard, but even before the Wikileaks releases which revealed the repulsive extent of collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the Mainstream Media, the disenchantment of the general public with the biased coverage of the elections was pretty obvious. The journalists who keep harping on and on about how everyone under the Sun needs to introspect should take some time out and contemplate on the intensity of people’s anger and hatred towards them. Perhaps instead of acting as experts at every single field, they should work hard and improve their journalistic skills instead.

Time has come for even the celebrities at Hollywood to contemplate the irrelevance of their opinions and try to overcome an over inflated sense of their own importance. It was quite amusing to witness the charade of celebrities virtue signaling to demonize Donald Trump. Miley Cyrus who invited her audience to touch her genitalia accused Trump of objectifying women, Robert DeNiro who sympathized with sexual offender Bill Clinton’s plight years ago came out saying he wanted to punch Donald Trump in the face, even Marvel which has become a den of SJW activity implored voters to vote for Clinton, Beyonce whose lyrics often explicitly sexually objectify women unashamedly played the women card while campaigning for Hillary while Jay Z dropped the N and the F bombs at her rally. “Vote for me because I have a vagina” is not a very reasonable campaign strategy I might add. And Hollywood, get off your moral high horse, the masses are sick of it. And we can be grateful for the fact that Americans are smart enough to not vote for a candidate just because their favorite celebrity asked them to.

Most importantly, however, the Trump phenomenon has shaken the political establishment of both the parties to the very core. Trump had to defeat Republican stalwarts in order to win the nomination from the Republican party while Hillary Clinton conveniently rigged the primaries to win hers. It’s no longer the Republican party of the GOP establishment, it’s Donald Trump’s. The Democrats have paid the price for wholesale corruption and vice and unless they mend their ways, they’ll sink further in a pool of abyss. Donald Trump has singlehandedly ended the Clinton dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and he did it in some style.

The point that cannot be stated enough is the manner in which Donald Trump has brought down the entire culture of Political Correctness to its very knees. His staunch refusal to play the game by their rules has left them horrified and clutching at straws to explain his victory. Donald Trump has defied every rule set by the PC culture and emerged victorious nonetheless. Donald Trump never shied away from emphasizing the threat of radical Islam despite cries of Islamophobia from every quarter of the establishment, he never backed down on his rhetoric against illegal immigration and the threat it presents to the American way of life despite accusations of Xenophobia. Even under relentless accusations of bigotry and fueling divisiveness, Donald Trump refused to tone down his language and carried on with his message, a message that has resonated with millions and millions of Americans.

Take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of what Donald Trump has achieved today. Instead of being an intolerant bigot and blaming racism and bigotry for Trump’s victory, give the man the credit he deserves for his incredible achievement. Imagine simultaneously taking on the entire establishment of both the political parties, the entire Mainstream Media, the Wall Street, Hollywood, the entire culture of political correctness and even the Pope, survive multiple attempts at assassination and yet, emerge victorious, it is something only extraordinary men are capable of. You may not like Donald Trump, but appreciate the man for his relentless and extensive campaign that resonated with millions and millions of people. Donald Trump has emerged victorious against all odds today and the taste of Democracy has never felt sweeter for all the Americans who were thoroughly fed up with the establishment elites. And for the haters, you might as well get used to addressing the Madman as President, it will only get easier then on. And those who were promising to leave America, I hope you keep your end of the bargain.

Congratulations, President Trump. Make America Great Again.

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