AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders: The faces behind the attacks against Jews in the US

The USA is now reeling with anti-jew and anti-Semitic actions and the protest mobs, which were supposed to be gathered in support of Palestine, have been attacking any Jew in sight. However, it is not the mobs that should be blamed in entirety, but the intellectual and political backing which has encouraged and normalised anti-Semitism in the USA which has thus, resulted in these emboldened mobs normalising acts of violence against Jews in the cities of the USA. The extreme left clique of the Democratic Party has been vehemently normalising the anti-Semitic agenda, be it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib or Bernie Sanders, they are all oneupmaning one another and pushing the boundaries.

One person was burned when two fireworks were thrown from a car amid an altercation with anti-Zionist protesters in a heavily Jewish New York City business district, according to police. On the other hand, Jewish diners at a Los Angeles restaurant were assaulted by a pro-Palestinian mob during an incident that Mayor Eric Garcetti called an “organized, anti-Semitic attack,” according to a report. Other reports too are arriving and with the tactical silence from these far-left, Islamist sympathiser voices, the mobs are only getting more emboldened.

Members of the Democratic Party’s radical, antisemitic fashion have been no less morally inverted. Rep. Rashida Tlaib has encouraged President Joe Biden to cut off Israel’s defence supplies. Rep. Ilhan Omar has accused Israel of “terrorism.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called Israel an “apartheid state,” despite the fact that Arabs are full citizens of Israel while not a single Jew lives under the predations of Hamas. And this week, nearly 200 Democrats voted not to cut off funding to groups linked with Hamas. These one-sided statements and half-truths have not only emboldened but also provided fuel to promote indiscriminate hate against the Jews and all this is culminating in the attacks on Jews in the USA.

As the Jewish nation is fighting a long-drawn battle against Hamas, Biden is following in Trump’s footsteps when it comes to Washington’s most important Middle East ally- Israel. Meanwhile, the far-left Democrats continue their anti-Israel agenda. So-called progressives like AOC, for example, bullied Andrew Yang, a leading candidate in New York City’s mayoral race.

Yang had condemned Hamas attacks against Israel. He had also expressed solidarity with the people of the Jewish nation. But Yang had to withdraw his remarks after AOC mocked him. The extremism within the Democratic Party is such that you cannot even afford to express solidarity with Israel.

Read more: With a whopping $735 million arms sale to Israel, Joe Biden has decided to stand up to the radicals in the party

According to the Anti-Defamation League, during the conflict, which has seen massive pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protests around the world, there has been a rise in antisemitism in the United States, both online and on the ground. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) had reported 193 antisemitic incidents in the week before the dispute started, up from 131 the week before.

The ADL said there were many reports of “frightening attacks against Jews” in the city on Thursday evening and they were in contact with police and the FBI.

Recently Ben Shapiro, a Jew intellectual voice in the USA also said that the conflict between Hamas and Israel is not a dispute over borders: Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip a decade and a half ago. It is not a dispute over religion: Israel allows Muslims full freedom of worship throughout Israel, particularly on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, where Jewish worship remains essentially forbidden in favour of kowtowing to Islamist diktats. It is not a dispute over homes in Sheikh Jarrah, a suburb of Jerusalem that has been the subject of a decadeslong property dispute between private parties and in which Arabs who aren’t subject to such disputes continue to live.

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is about a stubborn fact: Israel exists, and Hamas wishes it did not exist. Hamas will target civilians in Israel, use Palestinian children to shield its rockets and lie to the press to achieve its goals. Israel, meanwhile, is seeking to minimize civilian casualties at great risk to its own citizens.

However, this clique of the far-left Democrats want to make the heroes out of Hamas and make Jews and Israelis the villains. There cannot be any doubt regarding the fact that AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders are the faces behind the attacks against Jews in the USA.

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