Collection of some cool Voddie Baucham Quotes

Voddie Baucham Quote

Born on 11th of March, 1969 Voddie T. Baucham, Jr. is a preacher, author, and educator from the United States. In Lusaka, Zambia, he is the Dean of Theology at African Christian University. Quotes of Voddie Baucham are very famous and people want to know about his thoughts. We have provided some selected quotes from his vast theology.

19 Voddie Baucham Quotes

Love is an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object.

Who a man is as a husband and father to a large degree shapes who he is as a minister of the gospel.

If you want to be a godly head of a family, you must ensure that there is Christian harmony among those under you, appropriate for a house where the leader fears God. – Voddie Baucham Quotes

Who a man is as a husband and father to a large degree shapes who he is as a minister of the gospel.

The question is not whether or not our children sin later in life. The question is, do we have a biblical obligation to train them before they leave home? – Voddie Baucham Quotes

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We don’t have time to share the gospel with people around us. We do, however, have time to say, “That’s wrong.

No matter how good things get in this world, it’s all Egypt! There will never be enough gold chains, fine linen, praise, adoration, or anything else to satisfy the yearning that God has placed in us. Only his presence in the Land of Promise will satisfy his people.

Truth is under attack in modern American culture. Rare is the person who believes that there are facts that correspond with reality (truths) and that those facts are true for all people in all places and at all times. – Voddie Baucham Quotes

Common, however, is the man or woman who believes that all religions are the same (religious relativism), that tolerance is the ultimate virtue, and that there is no absolute truth (philosophical pluralism).

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Innocuous as these beliefs may seem, they are dangerous. They lead down a path filled with peril. If all religions are the same, then no religion is true.

Moreover, if we believe there are no absolute truths, and all truths are equally valid, this will ultimately lead us to nihilism wherein all ideas lose their value. – Voddie Baucham Quotes

Ultimately, the only thing that will matter is who has sufficient power to exercise his or her will. Imagine that you woke up today and saw this.

It is one thing for me to claim that God has changed me; it is quite another for those around me to acknowledge that I have truly changed.

You and I are sinners. Moreover, we are self-deceived.

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We do not see ourselves accurately.

Every one of us thinks more of himself than he ought.

We are in desperate need of brothers and sisters who will tell us the truth. – Voddie Baucham Quotes

More importantly, we need to be the kind of people who acknowledge that truth.

This is especially true when we are dealing with people who know and love us, those who live and serve in close proximity. Praise God for loving Christian spouses, siblings, and even children in whom both the Spirit of God and a willingness to be lovingly honest abide.

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