GGS Meaning with Explanation and Definition

GGS Full form meaning

We are going to talk about What is the meaning of GGS and what are the definitions? There are various categories where GGS terms are used on a daily basis so we have included major abbreviations of GGS so you can find your specific field’s explanation here.

What is the meaning of GGS?

In society, the meaning of GGS is Georgia Gerontology Society.

Explanation – The Georgia Gerontology Society (GGS) is a statewide multidisciplinary professional network that educates, serves and advocates for older adults and their families.

Founded in 1955, GGS was  formed to “promote the scientific study of the aging process; foster the development and dissemination of knowledge relating to aging;  foster activities and programs relating to aging; and afford a common meeting ground for representation of the various scientific fields interested in aging and those responsible for the care and treatment of the aged.”

While our methods and activities have adapted and changed with the times, we have stayed remarkably true to our original purpose and have become a tradition for professionals in aging as a membership organization of people with a common interest in the field of aging.

GGS is the largest state organization of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of aging. Our multidisciplinary focus allows us to build partnerships across sectors and help break down silos, There’s something for everyone at GGS. Our work focuses on 3 main areas:

INFORM – GGS provides quality education and training opportunities to enhance professional and personal development.

ADVOCATE – GGS fights to improve the lives of older Georgians through policy and legislative advocacy.

SUPPORT – GGS promotes careers in gerontology through networking, mentoring, and scholarships for students and early career professionals.

 In governmental organaization, the meaning of GGS is Global Government Solutions.

Explanation –  Global governance refers to transnational networks, institution building, norm entrepreneurship, regime creation and the management of global change. It covers many issues, such as women’s rights, human rights, development, democratization, the environment, security and investments. 

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In Indian society, the meaning of GGS is Gondwana Geological Society.

Explanation – Established in 1981, this society has been formed with the keen interest and tireless efforts of faculty members of the PG Department of Geology, Nagpur University. This team had the vision and commitment to foresee the fact that Nagpur is a hub-centre for geoscientific activities.

The Gondwana Geological Society, originally coming up as a regional society in the early 1980’s, has grown up now with active life membership from most earth science related organisations, universities and academic institutes in India, imparting it a national character and essence. The GGS also has foreign-based life members.

In School, the meaning of GGS is Gravesend Grammar School.

Explanation – Gravesend Grammar School is a selective grammar school with academy status located in Gravesend, Kent, England. The school accepts boys at age 11 by examination accepting a cohort of the top 15-20% and boys and girls at 16, based on their GCSE results.

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 In Science, the meaning of GGS is Global Geoscience.

Explanation – improvements to the quality of life through improved access to water, food and energy. community understanding and management of natural hazard and risk. contributions to global environmental change.

In panel surveys, the meaning of GGS is Generations and Gender Survey.

Explanation – The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is a series of panel surveys on families, life course trajectories, and gender relations conducted by the Generations and Gender Programme to improve demographic and social developments in Europe, Australia, and Japan. With an average of 9,000 respondents per country, the programme has collected at least one wave of surveys in more than 19 countries.

Also Read: GBF Meaning with Explanation and Definition

GGS Full Form Table  

Term Definition
GGS Guns, Germs and Steel
GGS Good Games 
GGS Giant Garter Snake
GGS Ganteng2 Serigala
GGS Global Geospace Science
GGS Glenn Gould Studio 
GGS Generations and Gender Survey
GGS Geelong Grammar School 
GGS Global Geoscience
GGS Gravesend Grammar School
GGS Gondwana Geological Society 
GGS Global Government Solutions
GGS Girls Go Shopping
GGS Golden Gate Section 
GGS GSA Global Supply
GGS Governor-General’s Literary Awards 
GGS Gonna Go Smoke
GGS Gas Gathering Station 
GGS Georgia Great Southern 
GGS Gas Gathering System 
GGS Georgia Gerontology Society
GGS Guaranteed Gain System 
GGS Girl Guides Singapore
GGS Georgia Gourd Society
GGS Global Geospace Study
GGS Ground Gained Sideways
GGS Grenoble Gospel Singers

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