Top Selfish world quotes: to share with anyone

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selfishness is defined as being preoccupied with oneself or one’s own benefit, pleasure, or welfare, regardless of others. The following selfish world quotes will help you understand the negative and positive of selfishness and feel free to share with your friends.

27 Selfish World Quotes

Individual and national selfishness and greed are to blame for the majority of our problems.

The only difference between a hero and a villain is that the villain chooses to utilize his or her power in a selfish manner that causes harm to others.

A selfish motive can be traced back to almost every bad deed ever undertaken. It’s a feature we despise in others but defend in ourselves.

Above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness, we should all rise.

Giving oneself some tender loving care is not self-indulgent. It’s logical. You will have more love to give to others if you feel loved and treasured, even if it is simply by yourself. – selfish world quotes

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Shame and guilt are the result of glory founded on selfish ideas.

Extremely selfish people are always adamant about what they want. They don’t waste their time thinking about what’s best for others.

Assume you’re the last one standing. What if you did it to yourself?

If there’s one thing i despise in this world, it’s the man who attempts to vent his problems while i’m trying to air mine.

A selfless act performed out of the purest desire to help others would be selfish in terms of the satisfaction and happiness it offers to the person performing it.

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Mean World Saying

A person’s subsistence mentality is a prison in which his personal joy is imprisoned. You don’t live for yourself alone if you want to be happy. Live for the sake of others as well.

Selfishness tarnishes the soul of an individual; selfishness is extinction for the human species.

Selfishness is humanity’s biggest affliction.

Even the tiniest droplets of self-interested decisions point in the right direction. Then there are the small inflecting rivulets, which merge into small brooks and then into larger streams, until one is swept along by a gigantic river that pours into the gulf of misery and everlasting whoa.

Selfish is a label easily applied by individuals who have never put their sacrificing power to the test.

The selfish man is the one who has been duped the most.

It’s far too simple to see a person’s true face. When they want something from you, they’re friendly and full of pretense, but the minute you don’t give in, back away, or put yourself first like they do, they show you who they really are. – selfish world quotes

A guy is nothing more than the actions he takes to achieve his goals.

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Selfish World Quotes

It’s better not to plant selfishness seeds in the first place than to try to uproot them after they’ve grown into gigantic weeds.

The most self-centered of all the passions is love.

There are just two options on the shelf: pleasing god or gratifying oneself.

I admire all the innocent souls who are gentle enough to forgive the greedy individuals that surround them.

There appeared to be three options: abandoning attempts to love anyone, ceasing to be selfish, or learning to love a person while remaining selfish.

Selfish people are unable to love others, but they are also unable to love themselves.

If you’re going to improve as a result of being selfish, you can’t be blamed.

Selfish people want to keep or acquire things, but often end up losing people in the process.

When you collaborate on a creative project, you must learn to be less selfish with your ideas and to make both parties feel important. That is, of course, a fantastic thing to have in a relationship. – selfish world quotes

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