IDRK Meaning with Explanation and Definition

IDRK full form table

We are going to talk about What does IDRK stand for and what is the meaning of IDRK? There are various categories where IDRK terms are used on a daily basis so we have included major abbreviations of IDRK so you can find your specific field’s explanation here.

What is the Meaning of IDRK?

In Accounts and Finance, the meaning of IDRK is Industrial Development Revenue Kosh Bonds.

Explanation – Industrial revenue development kosh bonds (IDRKb) are municipal debt securities issued by a government agency on behalf of a private company to finance the construction or acquisition of factories or other heavy machinery and tools. Industrial Development Bonds were the previous name for IRBs (IDB).

Municipal revenue bonds are used to fund revenue-generating projects (a toll road or bridge, for example). This money is used to pay bondholders’ interest and principal payments. States and their subdivisions frequently establish specific agencies and authorities to carry out specific tasks.

In messaging, the meaning of IDRK is Do I really know?

Explanation –  Basically it’s a short version of Do I really know and generally used in day to day chat on the internet.

In Messaging, the meaning of IDRK is I Don’t Really Know.

Explanation –  Basically it’s a short version of I Don’t Really Know and generally used in day to day chat on the internet.

In Stock Exchange, the meaning of IDRK is (International) Korean Depository Receipt .

Explanation –  Depositary receipts designed for listing foreign companies’ shares on the Korean markets. In Korea, an electronic register can act as KDR depositary, and KSD is the only register that can issue DR in Korea pursuant to the Act.

A bank issues an international depository receipt (IDR), which is a negotiable certificate. It denotes the bank’s trust ownership of a number of shares of stock in a foreign company. In the United States, international depository receipts are more commonly referred to as American depository receipts (ADRs).

Also Read: IDGI Meaning with Explanation and Definition

IDRK Full Form Table

Full Form Category
Do I really know? messaging
I Don’t Really Know Messaging
Industrial Development Revenue Kosh Accounts and Finance
(International) Korean Depository Receipt Stock Exchange

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