Free bird quotes: the real idea behind freedom

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A bird is free to fly and a free bird can teach us to enjoy our life. The following Free Bird Quotes are a collection of selected quotes. Feel free to share.

47 Free bird quotes

I can work whenever I choose and still be as free as a bird.

The song of freedom is sung by tamed birds. Wild birds have the ability to fly.

If a bird soars with his own wings, he will never soar too high.

The bird is propelled forward by its own life and motivation.

Every bird, tree, and flower serves as a reminder of what a blessing and honor it is to simply be alive.

Hold on to your dreams, for if they die, life will be a broken-winged bird unable to fly. – free bird quotes

Birds can fly, although we can’t, because they have absolute faith, which is equivalent to having wings.

Be like a bird sitting on a thin limb that bends beneath her, but she still sings away, knowing she has wings.

It is vital to becoming a part of the silence in order to notice birds.

I’d rather learn to sing from a single bird than instruct ten thousand stars on how not to dance.

I’m like a bird in that I merely want to fly away. I have no idea where my soul is. I’m not sure where my house is.

Birds are loved by all. What natural creature is more visible to our eyes and ears, as close to us as we are to everyone else on the planet, and as universal as a bird?

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Flying bird quotes

Darkness dissipates as the Sun of Compassion rises, and singing birds appear out of nowhere.

Before you can find the bird in the bush, you must first have it in your heart.

I believe we focus too much on the early bird’s good fortune and not enough on the early worm’s poor fortune.

The sound of birds chirping all around you is a lovely reminder that life is extremely good. Allow this music to serve as a mild diversion from your usual routine. – free bird quotes

The splendour of eternal existence reverberates through the dawn birds’ songs.

Invisible birds build nests in the heavenly bodies.

If you can’t catch a bird of paradise, a wet hen will suffice.

Birds of a feather flock together… but only when the weather is nice!

Birds were designed to keep track of everything. They were created to act as the eyes of heaven, not merely as gorgeous gems in the sky.

The stork is deafeningly silent since there isn’t much to say.

I am youth, joy, and a small bird that has broken free from the egg.

Small birds toss seeds from the feeder; large birds pick them up from the ground, but squirrels try to take advantage.

He imagines that things that must fly to eat have a necessary joy.

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Inspirational bird Sayings

Every hen does not lay eggs. Not every hen who lays eggs will see her eggs hatch. Not everyone who is born with greatness grows up to be great. Go forth and hatch your eggs. – free bird quotes

She learnt to sing from birds, and she acquired a deadly type of independence from cats.

You can’t suspect a tree, accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion, or question a violet’s philosophy.

I felt like I could be a bird and fly and experience and do because I had my family. I knew they would love me no matter what because I had roots somewhere, and I knew I could always return home and they would adore me.

Even if a bird’s wing is perfect, it will never be able to fly if it is not supported by air. The breath of science is facts. A scientist will never be able to rise without them.

Birds in cages sing of freedom, while free birds fly.

Louie had re-enslaved himself to his dictator by desiring the Bird’s murder to liberate himself. Louie was unable to let go of the Bird during the war, and the Bird was unable to let go of Louie after the war. – free bird quotes

Truth can be painful and even terrible at times, but once unleashed, it’s like a caged bird who finally flies to freedom. That’s how I felt at the time.

Even the evil-looking bird sitting on a bar rod had stopped shouting out the names and addresses of local contract killers, which it provided as a free service.

I wish to be carefree and still away from the cacophony of motor and mill! I’m tired of doing things and saying things; I’d rather be one with the blossoms and birds.

Books have been a constant source of learning, fun, peace, excitement, and inspiration for me throughout my life. The world is waiting for you at your library, and it’s all for free. – free bird quotes

Our hopeful bird was denied the altitude it craved, just barely free enough to fly dangerously close to the treetops’ reality.

When a bird is set free, it does not return to the cage’s bottom for any leftovers.

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Short Inspirational bird quotes

I am resilient and on the road to healing away from the source of my suffering. I am no longer bound by any obligations. I am a bird with a repaired broken wing who can now fly free from the steel cage in which I was previously imprisoned.

Take those things for bird bolts that you consider canon bullets if you’re charitable, guiltless, and of a free temperament.

The bird shook loose from its restraints and took them down the runway, away from their homes, families, dogs, and cats, and to a nation that didn’t want them.

Some things on our minds must be left in the past if we want to feel free like a bird.

And, as a character, I found it incredibly motivating to portray Dharma because, at the time, women on television were more neurotic than they were free. And I said to myself, “This is a rare bird, this is unusual on television, and it’s incredibly refreshing. – free bird quotes

Please accept my apologies, little bird. But that’s how you were created. There will always be a barrier between us. However, we will make certain that your gilded cage is beautiful. You’ll live separately, but we’ll keep you so occupied that you won’t realize you’re not free.

They were described as “free as a bird, ” but they weren’t really free at all, at least not as far as Saffy could tell: they were bound together by their habits, seasonal needs, biology, nature, and birth. Nobody is more liberated than the rest of us. Despite this, they had experienced the thrill of flight.

Love is like a bird; it travels around and is free, but it’s difficult to trust someone who prefers to stay there.

I’m not a bird, and I’m not caught in a net: I’m a free human being with my own will.

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