27 High in life quotes: to share with anyone

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Never, ever, ever bend your head. Always keep your head held high. Take a step back and look the world in the eyes. So we have collected best high quotes and sayings, hope you will be able to connect yourself.

High Quotes and Sayings

You’ll be a winner if you believe in yourself, are dedicated and proud of yourself, and never give up. Victory comes at a hefty cost, but so do the benefits.

For most of us, the bigger danger is not setting our sights too high and falling short, but setting our sights too low and exceeding our goals.

If a bird soars with his own wings, he will never soar too high.

When you hit rock bottom, success is measured by how high you bounce.

At the end of the day, leadership isn’t about spectacular crowning deeds. It’s all about keeping your team focused on a common goal and motivated to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences are significant. It’s all about creating the foundation for others’ success before stepping back and allowing them shine. – high quotes

When the sun is shining, nothing is too difficult for me to overcome; no mountain is too high, and no problem is too difficult to overcome.

To wake up one morning and learn that your high school class is in charge of the country is terrifying.

Do the one thing you believe you’ll never be able to do. Fail miserably. Please try again. Do a better job the second time around. Those who never mount the high wire are the only ones who never tumble. This is your chance to shine. It’s yours.

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Vibe so high quotes

Your uniqueness is defined by your dreams. They have the ability to give you wings and allow you to soar to new heights.

High achievers dislike mediocre people, and mediocre people dislike high achievers.

Life is full of peaks and valleys. Make sure the peaks aren’t too high and the troughs aren’t too deep.

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The price of liberty is always steep, but Americans have always been willing to pay it. And there is one path we will never take: the path of surrender or submission. – high quotes

We must let go of the illusion that the sea will ever rest. We need to learn how to sail in strong winds.

The importance of authenticity cannot be overstated. You have to look in the mirror every day, and you want to be proud of the person who stares back at you. And you can only accomplish it if you’re being truthful to yourself and having a good character. Every day, you have the chance to write the tale of your life.

If you work hard enough, you will find a path to the summit; for nature has set nothing so high that it is beyond the reach of industry and heroism. – high quotes

The world isn’t always fair, and fools, cowards, liars, and greedy people frequently hide in high places.

Maturity comes at a hefty cost in terms of age.

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Sayings about Peak

Keep your feet firmly planted on the earth, but allow your heart to soar as high as it desires. Refuse to settle for mediocrity or to succumb to the frost of your spiritual surroundings.

Life is so unpredictably unexpected. You never know when you’ll hit a new peak or low. The key is to simply go with the flow.

The individual has always had to fight against the tribe’s overwhelming power. If you try it, you will feel lonely and occasionally scared. However, there is no price too high to pay for the luxury of being your own boss.

They all assume my sort will drop and die, but I’m going to wave my freak flag high. White collar conservatives flashing down the street, waving that plastic finger at me. – high quotes

It is not for everyone to start a business. When it comes to starting a business, I’d say the most important thing is to have a high pain threshold.

I would advise you to establish extremely lofty ambitions. Set goals that seem difficult when you first set them. But you can work toward goals every day, and everything is possible if you work hard and follow your ambitions.

Consider the left and right, the low and the high. Oh, the things you can come up with if you just try!

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