MMF Meaning (Full form) with Explanation and Definition

MMF full form meaning table

We are going to talk about What does MMF stand for and what is the meaning of MMF? There are various categories where MMF terms are used on a daily basis so we have included major abbreviations of MMF so you can find your specific field’s explanation here.

What is the Meaning of MMF?

In File Type, the meaning of MMF is Mail Message File ( Microsoft Mail).

Explanation – EML stands for electronic mail or email, and it’s a file extension for an email message saved in the Internet Message Format protocol. Microsoft Outlook Express and a few other email programmes use it as the standard format.

In Softwares, the Full form of MMF is Modified Modified Format.

In Softwares, the meaning of MMF is Minimal Marketable Feature.

Explanation – The smallest set of functionality in a product that must be provided for a customer to recognise any value is called a minimum marketable feature (MMF). A feature in this context refers to something about the product that the user considers valuable.

In Electronics, the meaning of MMF is Multi-mode Fibre.

Explanation – Multi-mode fibre is an optical fibre that can carry multiple light rays or modes at the same time, each with a slightly different reflection angle inside the core.

Multi-mode optical fibre is a type of optical fibre that is primarily used for short-distance communication, such as within a building or across a campus. Data rates of up to 100 Gbit/s can be transmitted over multi-mode links.

In Airport Code, the meaning of MMF is Mamfe.

Explanation – Mamfe, also spelled Mamfé, is the capital of Manyu, a division of Cameroon’s Southwest Region. On the Manyu River, it is 74 kilometres from the Nigerian border. It is home to 36,500 people. It is known for being a centre for traditional religion and medicine.

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In Database Management, the Full form of MMF is Memory Mapped File.

Explanation – A memory-mapped file is a virtual memory segment that has been assigned a direct byte-for-byte relationship with a file or file-like resource.

In Maths, the meaning of MMF is Multi Mode Function.

Explanation – In a numeric data set, the MULT function returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring number(s). The mode is the number that appears the most frequently in a set of data. MODE is used when there is only one mode in a set of data. A single result will be returned by MULT.

In Physics Related, the Full form of MMF is Magneto Motive Force.

Explanation – The magnetomotive force is a quantity in physics that appears in the equation for magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit, which is also known as Ohm’s law for magnetic circuits.

Also Read: MMD Meaning (Full form) with Explanation and Definition

MMF Full Form Table

Full Form Category
Multi Mode Optical Fiber Computer and Networking
Multi Mode Fiber Networking
Mail Message File ( Microsoft Mail) File Type
Modified Modified Format Softwares
Minimal Marketable Feature Softwares
Magnetive Motive Force Electronics
Multi-mode Fiber Electronics
Mamfe Airport Code
Memory Mapped File Database Management
Multi Mode Function Maths
Magneto Motive Force Physics Related

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