A collection of cautious and relatable Stalker quotes

stalker quotes and caption

Stalking is the unwanted and/or repetitive observation of another person by an individual or group. Stalking actions are linked to harassment and intimidation and might include following or monitoring the victim in person. In psychiatry and psychology, the term stalking has several different definitions, as well as in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal violation. The following stalker quotes are very relatable and cautious. Please do share these beautiful quotes online with your dear ones.

30 Stalker quotes

Let’s all stay on the right side of that narrow line between support and stalking.

Don’t fall for his ruse. Play your part.

Isn’t stalking illegal if you don’t follow them home?

A woman who has no business being in a conflict is usually there because her ego believes it can fix what other people can’t. By interfering on your battlefield, it’s either superiority or a second chance to cure a wound they already have. – stalker quotes

When someone stalks you because they believe you are stalking them, you begin to wonder who is the true stalker.

Until the restraining order arrives, you have no idea if you’re the hero of a romantic comedy or the villain of a Lifetime special.

Poppies hang dew on their stalks.

Therefore, value does not tell a label what it is.

Generosity is often the horse in the pursuit of control.

Are you following me, Mr Fulton? ” This thought both amused and frightened Jazz.

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Stalking Captions and Sayings

I was about to ask you the same thing. I know you followed me. Don’t look so surprised. It is called rearview mirror. Are you following me for some specific reason?

There is a fine line between seriousness and chasing.

It’s a fine line between love and chasing.

I often compare Margaret Thatcher to Florence Nightingale. She roams the wards of our hospitals as a woman with a lamp. Unfortunately, this is a setback. – stalker quotes

The sting of discontent rings all around us.

That’s what’s better. You can’t own it. You can only pursue it. chase it But once you taste it, better is never out of your reach.

Although the contradictions of the war seem sudden and simultaneous, history falters before the invasion. Something good soon turns into something good.

Stalking is an underrated startup strategy.

Every creature chases something, and catches it, and is caught.

I’m disgusting. I follow the boys and put on their underpants.

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Stalker quotes

Don’t play his game. Play yours

“I could have finished anyone in this place five times, ” chasing Angel [Joe]. [Elvis] “Can you turn someone away and get away with you here? ” [Joe] nodding. “I’m too good for myself. – stalker quotes

are you stalking me? Because that would be super.

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Incontinence is a hydra with a hundred heads. She never chases abroad with impunity, anger and most infamous extravagance.

I don’t even have a hunter. I’m just not the guy people stare at.

Somebody had my number and they started following me. I never answered them. It was tempting to write back, but I resisted.

Love is chasing without proof.

No man is capable unless he is alone and armed in the forest.

I call it watching from afar, they call it chasing. – stalker quotes

He uses his stupidity like a horse, and under the same presentation he shoots his intelligence.

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