TOP 32 Abandoned quotes to understand self love

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Many people gain the confidence to adapt and develop themselves after being abandoned, resulting in inner growth and resilience. These stunning abandoned quotes serve as a powerful reminder of self-healing and self-love and please do share on Instagram and twitter. Don’t forget to tag us.

32 Abandoned quotes

Abandonment is said to be a wound that never heals. All I can tell is that an orphaned child never forgets.

It is the soul’s responsibility to follow one’s own desires. It must surrender to its supreme passion.

Absence is a house so big that you can walk through it and hang pictures from the ceiling.

My life’s struggles gave me empathy; I could understand pain, abandonment, and not being loved.

When reason abandons fantasy, inconceivable monsters emerge; when she is united with it, she becomes the mother of the arts and the source of miracles. – abandoned quotes

Abandonment is said to be a wound that never heals. All I can tell is that an orphaned child never forgets.

Until pollution activities are abandoned, the ecosystem will continue to degrade.

When a new source of revenue is discovered, it is never assumed that the previous one will be abandoned. It simply means that politicians now have two avenues to milk the taxpayer while they previously only had one.

Envy and hatred are natural human emotions. If he gives in to them, they will lead him to violence and criminality, and he will lose all feeling of loyalty and good faith. – abandoned quotes

The country has been plagued with compromise since the beginning of its history. Human rights have been abandoned through compromise.

Nobody has ever become financially fit by making a January resolution and then abandoning it by February.

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Emotional abandonment quotes

Reality appears to be worthless in comparison to the dreams of fevered imaginations, so it is abandoned.

Do not renounce all faith just because you have abandoned one. When we lose trust, there is always another option. Is it the same faith disguised as something else? – abandoned quotes

The films are not yet completed. They’ve been left behind. A film is never completed.

If the constitution’s provisions aren’t honoured when they hurt as well as when they help, they may as well be abandoned.

Continuous eloquence becomes tiresome. To be appreciated, grandeur must be set aside. Everything is unpleasant when it is consistent. Cold is pleasant because it allows us to warm up.

My brother David and I were placed in foster homes as children, and I spent time in orphanages. My father deserted us. I’ve never met the person who is the most important in my life. – abandoned quotes

Being alone is frightening, but not nearly as frightening as being alone in a relationship.

The most heartbreaking emotion we may cause in another person is abandonment or abandonment.

The coward had always abandoned himself first. All subsequent betrayals were easy after that.

To die for an unattainable love that is the polar opposite of love is to abandon oneself to principles.

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Abandoned quotes

People need to know that they are not alone, that they have not been abandoned, and that there is Someone who loves and cares about them for who they are. – abandoned quotes

A poem is never completed; rather, it is abandoned.

The wail of the abandoned infant is wrath, not fear.

I’ve lived with the fear of being abandoned my entire life.

Reality appears to be worthless in comparison to the dreams of fevered imaginations, so it is abandoned.

Envy and hatred are natural human emotions. If he gives in to them, they will lead him to violence and criminality, and he will lose all feeling of loyalty and good faith. – abandoned quotes

Love can be postponed but never forgotten.

When we surrender to God, He constantly works through us.

I’ve given up on finding the truth and am instead hunting for a wonderful fantasy.

Anything that goes against logic and experience should be discarded.

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