Collection of TOP 31 The measure of a man quotes

The measure of a man quote and caption

There are no universal measures or values as such but people from different backgrounds have different beliefs. You might find The measure of a man quotes patriarchal because these are quotes from random peoples. Please feel free to share, and be cautious about not hurting anyone’s feelings.

31 The measure of a man quotes

A man’s worth is determined by the lives he has affected.

The true test of a guy is how he treats someone who is incapable of doing him any harm.

The love you leave behind when you die will be the only measure of your worth and accomplishments.

The measure of a man’s character is not how he handles his victories, but how he handles his defeats.

What a man would lose his life for is the ultimate test of his character. – the measure of a man quotes

I believe the most accurate indicator of a man’s or woman’s maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he brings to his marriage, as well as the pleasure and inspiration he gives his partner.

What defines a man is what occurs when nothing else works and you have the courage to keep going.

A man’s worth is determined by how he handles adversity.

The one about the genuine measure of a man was the most enduring of my father’s teachings. That true measure was how well he cared for his children, and it stayed with me like a tattoo on my mind. – the measure of a man quotes

The ultimate test of a man is where he stands in times of challenge and controversy, not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience.

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Character of Man Captions and Sayings

The measure of a man is how many men he serves, not how many servants he has.

The degree to which a guy has managed to subordinate his ego is the genuine measure of a man.

The fundamental test of a man isn’t his intelligence or how high he advances in this bizarre organization. No, a man’s genuine worth is determined by how swiftly he can respond to others’ needs and how much of himself he can give.

You can easily measure a man’s character by how he treats people who can’t help him.

Keep in mind that a man’s worth is determined by the value of the things he values.

What will my children remember me for? This is the true test of a man’s character.

What a man does with power is what defines him. – the measure of a man quotes

The way a guy treats others, not his title or position, is the true measure of a man.

What a man would do if he knew he would never be found out is the true test of his character.

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The measure of a man quotes

Watch how a man treats his inferiors, not his equals, to get a true sense of who he is.

Sure, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re no good when you’re in the throes of your own pain—but we’re all put to the test in this life…

It is not how much a guy suffers during the test that determines his worth, but how he emerges at the end.

The power of a man’s virtue should be assessed by his habitual actions rather than his extraordinary efforts.

I believe that a man’s worth is determined not by the path he has taken, but by the decisions he has made along the way.

The quality of a man’s life is more important than the length of his life. – the measure of a man quotes

A man’s worth cannot be determined by whether or not he makes mistakes, because he will. It’s what he does when he makes a mistake. Companies are no different. We must apologize, correct the problem, and learn from our mistakes.

Let us compare ourselves against our Master, not our other servants, and pride will be impossible.

Keep in mind that a man’s worth is determined by the value of the things he values. If saying or doing something is nice, being condemned for saying or doing it is even better. – the measure of a man quotes

You are not defined by your possessions, looks, or popularity. You are made in God’s image.

The measure of a man is not how much he suffers in the test, but how he comes out at the end.

Success is not the measure of a man but a triumph over those who choose to hold him back.

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