35 Lemon Quotes: for fun and adventure lovers

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Basically the idea behind lemon quotes are inspired from “If you have a lemon, make a lemonade”. You might find some quotes funny or ultra light feel it as life is giving you lemon! Fell free to share with your friends.. Have fun.

35 Best Lemon Quotes

If life hands you lemons, ask for sugar and water as well. Otherwise, you’d just end up with some acidic lemon juice!

When life hands you lemons, create pink lemonade instead of lemonade. Be one of a kind.

Learn to juggle when life throws you lemons. – best lemon quotes

Take the lemons that life throws at you. Don’t throw away food.

When life hands you lemons, freeze them and use a trebuchet to hurl them at your adversaries.

You must plant the seeds if God offers you lemons.

Keep the lemons that life throws at you because, hey, they’re free.

Make lemon meringue pie when life brings you lemons.

When life hands you lemons, you tell it to go get a life because lemons are a lousy present.

Short best lemon quotes

When life hands you lemons, I believe you should create lemonade… and then locate someone whose life has handed them vodka and throw a party. – best lemon quotes

Squirt someone in the eye when life hands you lemons.

Don’t try to create lemonade out of lemons when life offers you lemons.

Throw back the lemons that life throws at you.

When life hands you lemons, be sure you know who’s eyes you’ll be squeezing.

When life hands you lemons, you go to the store and swap them for something more palatable.

When life hands you lemons, take a bite out of it.

Order the lobster tail when life throws you lemons.

When life gives me lemons, I return them and choose something else.

Lemon quotes funny

When life tosses you lemons, make a sauce with melted butter, roasted paprika, and lobster!

Make lemonade when life gives you lemons. Then figure out way to sell each glass for $5.00.

A grapefruit is simply a lemon that recognized an opportunity and seized it.

When life hands you lemons, create lemonade, as the adage goes. Forget about that, in my opinion. Make margaritas when life hands you lemons.

I was also given lemons, but I learned how to make lemonade with them… No one informed me I needed to add sugar, but that’s life. It’s not a pleasant experience. – best lemon quotes

Stop wringing your hands and start living.It’s not what happens to you that matters, but how you respond to it. Make lemonade when life gives you lemons. Remove the seeds from the rotten lemons and plant them to produce new lemons.

One door closes, and another opens.

When life hands you lemons, they might as well be oranges.

I was of the school of thought that said, “When life throws you lemons, create lemonade, then question why life didn’t give you freaking sugar so you could drink it. ” – best lemon quotes

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Positive lemon sayings and captions

You don’t make lemonade when life hands you lemons. You plant a complete orchard, a franchise, using the seeds!

When life hands you lemons, sell them and replace them with pineapples. 101 on how to make your life better.

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade and sell it to anyone who is thirsty from whining.

Make lemonade when life gives you lemons! Words to live by, especially when you remember that the only way to turn lemons into lemonade was to squeeze them dry.

Make some form of tasty juice if life hands you lemons.

When life hands you lemons, toss them where the sun doesn’t shine because you’re never going to get any lemonade out of them.

When life throws you lemons, create lemonade and then spit it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until you get the oranges you asked for. – best lemon quotes

When life gives you lemons, go to a taco stand.

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