Collection of 32 Deep Mysterious quotes and Sayings

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A beautiful collection of Mysterious quotes you can share with anyone Someone or something that is mysterious is unusual and not well understood. Do you know that mysterious has deeper meaning and dimensions to it? The following quotes will help you dive deep into the mysterious things in life.

32 Mysterious quotes

The mysterious is the most wonderful experience we can have. It is the primal emotion that is at the heart of all real art and science.

Margo has a thing for mysteries. And in the years that followed, I couldn’t help but assume that she liked mysteries so much that she became one.

The most twisted secrets are the best.

The shroud of mystery adds to the magic of pursuit.

Today is God’s gift, which is why we call it the present. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is God’s gift, which is why we call it the present. – mysterious quotes

It all started with a mystery and will conclude with a mystery, but what a wild and gorgeous nation lies in between.

Mystery inspires awe, and awe lies at the heart of man’s yearning to comprehend.

The pursuit of knowledge does not obliterate the sense of awe and mystery. There’s always more to discover.

Things aren’t seen as they are; they are seen as we are.

The mystery of life is a reality to be experienced rather than a problem to be solved.

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Bizarre quotes and sayings

Life would be incredibly boring if there were no secrets. If everything was known, what would be left to strive for?

Consider and ponder, consider and ponder.

I’d rather have a mind that is open to wonder than one that is closed to believe.

Keep your eyes peeled for the presence of wonder. – mysterious quotes

One’s own self is the ultimate enigma.

What draws you to a person is a mystery.

The essence of divinity is mystery.

Time is a deception.

It is not lost time if you love wasting it.

A man who wastes one hour of his life has not learned the worth of life.

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Mysterious quotes about life

It’s akin to mysticism to like money as much as I do. Money is a source of pride.

All great art is the result of the combined efforts of the entire living being, body and soul, and especially the soul.

I’d rather have 30 minutes of “amazing” than a lifetime of “bland. “

Those who live among the earth’s wonders and secrets are never alone or tired of life.

I’m sure people would live a lot differently if they sat outside every night and looked at the sky.

Light always catches the eye, but shadows have more to say. – mysterious quotes

Both a shadow and a light source are required. Listen and rest your head beneath the awe-inspiring tree.

God does not inquire about a person’s willingness to receive life. That is not an option. You’ll have to accept it. The only option is to choose how. – mysterious quotes

Often, the hands will solve a puzzle that the intellect has been unable to solve.

No pessimist has ever uncovered the secret of the stars, sailed to uncharted territory, or created a new portal for the human spirit.

In our lives, we rarely encounter average individuals.

The soul is more powerful than its environment.

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