A collection of 37 Silly Quotes to make you laugh

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Adulthood does not prevent you from being silly. Adulthood forbids thoughtlessness, so be thoughtful and silly at the same time. Nobody is immune to making silly remarks; the trick is to do so on purpose. So the following silly quotes will make you laugh and introduce you to the importance of being silly.

37 Silly quotes

Don’t be stupid, don’t close your eyes and cry while you’re in agony; you might be in the best position to see the sun.

I will not join any club that accepts me as a member.

Don’t take yourself too seriously in life. You’re not going to make it out alive.

It takes a great deal of knowledge only to comprehend how ignorant you are.

To be a successful liar, no guy has a good enough memory.

Always keep in mind that you are one-of-a-kind. Just like the rest of the world.

Miss, I may be inebriated now, but I will be sober in the morning, and you will still be ugly. – silly quotes

Get your facts straight first, then manipulate them as you see fit.

A day without sunlight is akin to, well, night.

You wouldn’t sit for a month if you could kick the person who caused most of your problems in the pants.

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Funny quotes and captions

Those of us who know a lot are irritated by people who believe they know everything.

You can get a man to go to Congress, but you can’t get him to think.

Prejudices developed by the age of eighteen are referred to as common sense.

Every great man has a woman rolling her eyes behind him.

Laziness is defined as the practice of resting before being exhausted.

The weather forecast for tonight is for it to be dark. – silly quotes

My life needs to be edited.

Because I didn’t pretend to water my artificial plants, they died.

Allow yourself to be tempted. It’s possible that it won’t come your way again. We’re all on this planet to aid others; I’m not sure what the others are here for. – silly quotes

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Hilarious quotes and sayings

I enjoy meeting deadlines. The whooshing sound they produce as they go by is one of my favorites.

What is a synonym for thesaurus?

When faced with a choice between two evils, I always go with the one I’ve never tasted before.

My memory is like that of an elephant. Every elephant I’ve ever met is etched in my mind.

He was like a rooster who mistakenly believed the sun had risen in order to hear him crow.

There will not be a crisis the next week. My calendar is already packed.

Sitting under a tree is a proven remedy for seasickness.

Machismo isn’t very convincing.

It’s amazing how the quantity of news that occurs in the globe each day always fits into the newspaper perfectly.

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Silly quotes about life

Because I could be incorrect, I would never die for my views.

A wealthy man is one who earns more than his wife can spend. A successful lady will be able to locate such a man. – silly quotes

We are all born with a sense of craziness. Some people are still like that.

Wine is a continual reminder that God cares about us and wants us to be happy.

More harm has been done by fashions than by revolutions.

Man’s ability to complicate simplicity is what defines progress.

Everything but temptation is beyond my ability to resist.

Life is difficult. It is, after all, what kills you.

Everything I enjoy is either illegal, unethical, or unhealthy.

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