23 Lips Quotes: Discover the unfolded stories behind your lips

lips quote and caption

Lips are a very important part of our life and these are one of the first things that people see in us. Not only that it plays a vital role in our relationships too. How? Read the following lips quotes and discover some beautiful things about your lips and their importance. Feel free to share.

23 Lips quotes

On the lips, language is wine.

Listen! Clam up your mouth and be as silent as an oyster shell, because that tongue of yours, my friend, is the enemy of the soul. The heart has a hundred tongues when the lips are mute.

The truth is spoken by dying lips.

There are accents in the eye that aren’t on the tongue, and pale lips tell more stories than the ear can handle. They shun the sound channel because of both the grandeur and the sorrow of the distant moods.

It’s possible that we won’t return. It’s possible that I’ll end up in prison. I may be anywhere at any time. But you’ll remember that I stated, with the last words on my lips, that I am a revolutionary when I depart. And you’ll have to say it again and again. You’ll have to call me a proletariat; you’ll have to call me the people.

It’s all about the balance when it comes to makeup. When the eye speaks, the lips should remain silent.

When judging a beautiful statue, the aesthetic faculty is entirely satisfied by the magnificent curves of those marble lips that are deafeningly silent, and the noble modeling of those helpless limbs. – lips quotes

It’s easy to look gorgeous with only a hint of eyeliner and red lips.

Every public figure gets to a point in his life when it is preferable to keep his mouth shut.

Lips captions and sayings

No new taxes, repeat after me.

I’m not a big fan of nostalgia. ‘The good old days’ is never uttered in my presence.

It is not in my nature to keep secrets from individuals I care about. I’ll never be able to seal my lips after opening my heart.

How did their lips come together in the first place? What causes birds to sing, snow to melt, roses to bloom, and dawn to whiten behind the harsh forms of trees on the quivering peak of the hill?

When it comes to lipstick, the most important thing is to accept God’s final word on where your lips end.

Even when someone appears to be so pleased with herself, she says things like, “I could be three pounds lighter; I could be a bit taller and have fuller lips.” – lips quotes

The wise’s lips are like cabinet doors; no sooner are they opened, treasures are poured out in front of thee.

Our eyes are light reflectors. It’s preferable if the lips resemble a rose petal.

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Lips quotes and captions

Don’t keep your big lashes and crimson lips for the evening; wear them during the day!

I only use a smidgeon of liner on my lips, just a color silhouette.

I’ve utilized collagen on my lips. Collagen is used to line my lips.

I have a pleasant grin, attractive lips, and large round cheeks. They make me look like an adolescent.

When euphoria is at its peak, we grip at the center of the moment eternal – just that and nothing more. Arms open, eyes close, and lips touch as cheeks burn! – lips quotes

My ideal female… well, I’m a sucker for eyes. As well as lips. She must have lovely lips!

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