31 Obsession Quotes: a collection of beautiful quotes

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Obsession can be described as a crazy sensation, while love is a feeling that comes from the heart. Though there are certain similarities between love and obsession, they are never the same. Love is an irrational and uncontrollable emotion that one has for another person. Here you will find some beautiful obsession quotes you can relate to.

31 Obsession quotes

Friendship has a greater impact on a person’s life than love. Love has the potential to devolve into obsession, while friendship is always about sharing.

The obsession with suicide is typical of a man who can’t live or die, and whose focus never strays from this double impossibility.

My passion was the red car, even before I realized it was named Ferrari.

Color is both my joy and my agony throughout the day.

When determination turns into obsession, it becomes all that matters.

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Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity because it causes you to return to the same question over and over again without ever receiving an answer. – obsession quotes

Obsession is a game for young men, and my only defense is that I never grew up.

Getting another one is the cure for an obsession.

It takes entire obsession to do anything at a high level.

Sex is a preoccupation in America, but it is a fact in other areas of the world.

Life is meaningless without obsession.

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Because of our culture’s infatuation with antiques, we can’t tell the difference between history and nostalgia. People are looking for people with heart. With their aesthetics, they want a chaser of feeling. – obsession quotes

The creative habit is addictive. The obsession fluctuates, but the joy, the thrill of creating something new lasts.

Sweaters are a favorite of mine. I guess I have a sweater fetish.

Your ability to employ the idea of autosuggestion will be primarily determined by your ability to focus on a specific want until it becomes a burning obsession.

My fascination is with technology and how it can be used to better people’s lives. What we have witnessed in the last 300 years, in my opinion, is merely a trailer.

It’s all about the preoccupation with getting the most out of yourself in boxing: trying to rule the world like a hungry young lion.

Perfectionist, demanding, and obsessive have all been used to describe me. To be a good artist, I believe it takes obsession and a keen eye for detail. – obsession quotes

A source of energy is a passion with unwritten stories.

People’s fixation with their appearance fascinates me, as does the fact that humans judge you within the first few seconds of meeting you.

An obsession is when you can’t get something out of your head.

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Obsession quotes

What moves geniuses, what inspires their work, is their fixation with the thought that what has previously been stated is still insufficient.

Making women gorgeous is my obsession. Things can’t go out of style when you develop with that in mind.

The nature of language is both my professional and personal interest, and my best friendships are with other writers. I know George Eliot better than I know my spouse in many aspects.

My mother’s passion for antiques and old items was handed down to me. I enjoy going to thrift stores and garage sales of all kinds. Treasure hunting is a hobby that the entire family enjoys.

Work is a calling for me. That kind of obsession is required.

To do anything, I need obsession to combat my innate lethargy.

People are obsessed with it. They want you to look and act like you did in 1969. They want you to because their youth will be lost if you don’t. It’s incredibly self-centered, but it’s understandable. – obsession quotes

My wife believes I have a social class preoccupation. So I think I have a social class fixation. It’s most likely a result of feeling like an outcast.

Democrats, in my opinion, should not be hesitant to discuss the morality of life and the need of caring for newly born infants. It appears that the Republican pro-life devotion lasts around nine months. After that, each infant is on her own.Tracy Chapman was the first time I became captivated with a full album. I knew every song and the exact number of seconds that separated each one. That was the extent of my obsession.

When I consider what I’ve done, I believe I’m drawn to obsession.

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