28 Scars quotes and captions for Instagram

scars quote and caption

Now that you have had the chance to think about the scar quotes, scars, I hope that you will look at them a little differently. Please share them with someone in need of These Good Scars Quotes in your social media platforms or regular conversations. If you liked these scar quotes, be sure to check out our makeup quotes collection about power in appearance.

28 Scars Quotes

Deeply inspiring scar quotes will inspire you to think a bit deeper than usual, and expand your perspectives.

Whether you proudly wore your scars to the world to see, or tried to hide them, we can all take solace knowing we all carry some sort of scar.

We are not looking to receive scars in this life, but if you have, then do not let scars define you.

Yes, the scar may look kind of ugly from the outside, but the scar shows you are a survivor, you made it through something, and not only did you make it, you are stronger, smarter, and better-educated because of this difficult time that you went through. – scars quotes

Whether or not a scar is a beautiful scar or an ugly one is almost entirely up to the beholder.

Without the scars, we would not usually get a chance to grow stronger, become who we wanted to be.

We die every day in small increments, reborn into different men, older men, wearing the same clothes, wearing the same scars.

Many of us have grown beyond the literal reading that we received as children, but we carry scars throughout our lives.

I do not mean to be glibly analytical, but when you have, as I did, a dad that is not capable of showing emotion, that spent his whole life telling you no one is going to love you unless you are perfect, that leaves scars.

Beyond the injuries to children, beyond the injuries of men, is what is at the core of loving ourselves, which makes loving ourselves pitiful.

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Captions about wounds

The scars left by a child’s failure to confront an irrational authority lie beneath each neuroses. Out of misery comes a stronger soul; out of it is the most hulking figure, pierced by the scars.

The little girls are like powerless children in the hands of lustful men, everything said to them is truth, whatever is done to their bodies seems love to them, and they will eventually return to senses, but his scars are not dead, for his despoilers are alive. – scars quotes

They are reminders to me that the harm that life has done to me has left me stronger and tougher, in many places.

I used to wonder why such problems happened to me, and I was frustrated they affected my running career, but seeing his scars, I was blown away by just how adaptive and amazing the human body is.

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Looking at my scars now, it is reminding Lawley that life is short, and that I am fortunate enough to come out of this accident alive.

The first time Lawley looked down to see his scars from surgery, I thought they were beautiful, so I cried.

Lawley felt prideful and sexual, because they symbolized that I had taken control of a difficult situation and did what I could to make sure that I had a long, healthy life. – scars quotes

Sometimes people stared, or I heard comments such as she would look nicer if she did not have this scar, and I hated being reduced to my looks alone.

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Scars Quotes

When people stopped noticing the scar so much, Lawley realized that was because I was not carrying it around as though it was something to hide.

At one point, I had an opportunity to have plastic surgery to make the scar less visible, but I did not.

Have you ever been injured, a spot is trying to heal up some, and you are just pulling scars out over and over.

Give it some air, let the scars of your soul show themselves, for just like the body, it is made to heal too.

To the people who thought I was happy, look once more; its scars lead you to a place that nobody knows, that nobody else could ever imagine, a place echoing the lonely heart-wailings, a place that has been cut open hundreds of times. – scars quotes

Sometimes I think that my scars are beautiful, but then I remember that not everybody shares the same love for the arts.

Of course, Circe, like every other god of fiction, cannot get a physical scar; when she is damaged, her skin is quick to heal, flawless.

When Circe actually makes the potion that makes her a mortal, having scars is one of the things that she is waiting for, excited to finally get her body to mirror her history.

Even the most angry scars eventually fade, to the point where it is hard to see them written in skin at all, with only memories remaining about how much pain they caused. – scars quotes

I am thankful for each scar, for a few pages turned, a few bridges burned, but lessons learned.

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