Collection of 41 Intimacy quotes and captions

Intimacy quote and caption

If you and your partner are lacking in intimacy, and you would like to spark things up between the two of you, here are 41 quotes about lacking intimacy you can send around to spark things up. If you are looking to bond with your male partner, here are 41 intimacy quotes for him that you can either read to them or send to him in a text.

41 Intimacy quotes

Sharing an intimate connection, whether it is physical or emotional, goes a long way to helping build and sustain strong relationships.

There is so much that goes into having a great relationship, as you will see with these quotes about relationships, intimacy, and sex.

True, authentic intimacy in relationships goes so much deeper, covering so much more than just the physical.

While intimacy is something that many of us crave, it is something that not all of us can find or experience within our relationships.

For those who do, intimate relationships, whether they are physical or emotional, are what keep the flames of love burning long after the initial blazes of lust and enamoredness are gone.

Intimacy is nice, staying committed is nice, but the fundamental need is love.

You need to put a lot more value on love: If somebody finds closeness to a significant other just through the physicality of the relationship, perhaps this bonding and these feelings need to be revisited. – Intimacy quotes

One should not discount the people they know while pretending to feel close with those they do not.

To have intimate relationships with someone, we must know they love us exactly the way we are.

It is a different type of intimacy to have someone who gets what you are thinking.

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Connection quotes and captions

Intimacy is an act of connecting to someone with such deep meaning; it feels as though you are seeing their soul.

Intimacy is the feeling of belonging, not just proximity, making you feel closer.

Intimacy is the indispensable connection of understanding, the place where two people can let go of inner demons without fear of judgement.

If you love someone and you spend your entire life with them or with them, then great affinity grows, and the love has deeper, deeper reveals for you. – Intimacy quotes

Sending some intimate quotes to your loved ones can help you to express love uniquely.

When your loved one is feeling down, romantic poems or cute intimacy quotes may boost their spirits and reinforce the bond you share.

These quotes may help you to see things that you can improve about the relationship, or may simply make you laugh.

Something is missing about the early infancy lack of love for, and attachment to, the beloved.

Sometimes attachment is so happy to have been brought back that they make a mistake of thinking that this is love.

It gives you a strength to love somebody better than yourself, and it becomes hard to live when you lose the thing that you are attached to.

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Intimacy quotes and captions

Love without attachment is pure love, as it is not based on what others can give you, as your own is hollow.

The secret to a healthy, happy relationship is to be unattached, to be connected.

Not being attached means being natural, loving, flowing, but do not become obsessed or addicted.

By not attaching, you are outgrowing and negating the power of something acting on you.

Attachment is the greatest constructor of illusions; only one who is detached attains reality. – Intimacy quotes

Attachment is concerned with fear and dependence, it has more to do with loving oneself than loving another.

Attachment to spiritual things is… as much attachment as unwarranted love for anything else.

If you purify your soul from attachment to things and longings, then you will comprehend them spiritually.

There are spiritual ways of cutting through all of our attachments to find the goal in our souls for living meaningful lives.

If you pray and meditate, you can see the soul of your wife all around.

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Attachment quotes and captions

If you are unattached, your internal being would urge you to offer them a drink.

Life is mortal, whatever you see here, it will all be destroyed, so attaching yourself to anyone or anything in this mortal world will bring your life sadness.

It is not our thoughts, but the affection we feel toward our thoughts, which causes suffering.

The greatest obstacles to internal peace are troubling emotions like anger, attachment, fear, and doubt, whereas love and compassion, along with the feeling of shared responsibility, are sources of peace and happiness. – Intimacy quotes

Acceptance, peace, and a reduced attachment to the world of suffering are all effects of doing The Work.

Thus, when you give to the needy, blow not the trumpets in front of you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and on streets, so they can be applauded by others.

There is no jealousy, no disputation, no lust for possession, no fear of losing property, no hate (which is a part very much of love), no rush of passion, and no hangover afterwards.

It is also nice to separate, because it merely means clearing the way for the next reunion.

A prolonged uninterrupted existence together, even in love, can leave things to wither.

If suddenly, suddenly, the two involved do get together again–while still cleverly missing one another’s acute pain–then affection rekindles with all its force, all its power. – Intimacy quotes

For a happy, long-lasting love life, stay faithful to your partner and add a dash of intimacy into your relationship with these cute quotes.

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