26 Attention seeker quotes and captions for Instagram

attention seeker quote and caption

We have a collection of 26 Attention seeker quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

26 Attention seeker quotes

Attention seeking is the act of forcing people to notice you.

When you’re an attention seeker, you want attention from everyone. You want to be seen and heard so much that no one will ever forget about you.

Attention seekers don’t just want attention from others—they need it. They can’t live without it in their lives.

Attention seekers are highly self-centered and narcissistic, which means they think they’re better than everyone else and deserve special treatment. – attention seeker quotes

Attention-seeking is a form of narcissism.

Attention seeking is a narcissistic disorder.

Thinking that you’re special by being attention hungry.

Being absolutely obsessed with getting people’s attention.

Attention seekers are the worst. They always want to be the center of attention, and they’ll do anything to make sure they’re seen as important.

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Sociopath captions and sayings

Attention seekers are like kids who don’t know how to play nice in a group setting—they’ll say things that are mean-spirited, hurtful, or just plain weird. – attention seeker quotes

Attention seekers have no social skills and can’t be trusted around people who will call them out on their behavior.

I’m a bad girl, and I’m here to do bad things.

If you’re not getting enough attention, make it yourself.

If you love me, don’t stare at me. And if you can’t control your urge to stare at me, don’t look at me! – attention seeker quotes

If you want to be loved, be lovable. If you want to be great, start by being small.

I’m not looking for love; I just want someone to notice me.

I don’t need anyone; I just need their money.

You can’t live without love—and if that’s true, death is the best thing that ever happened to me.

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Attention seeker quotes

The only way to get started is to risk going backwards.

Attention seekers are a dime a dozen.

They’re everywhere—and they’ve got you by the balls.

They’re always looking for something to get their attention, whether it’s a new boyfriend or a new car. – attention seeker quotes

But what about all those attention seekers who aren’t looking for something to get their attention? What do they want?

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not just about getting your attention—it’s also about making sure that you remember them and how they made you feel. – attention seeker quotes

Attention seekers are the worst.

They’ll do anything to get your attention, even if it means ignoring you or pretending to be asleep.

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