Alberta’s conservatives have finally found a way around Justin Trudeau’s dictatorial policies. The solution is the Alberta Sovereignty Act.
After this act is inked, the Trudeau administration will no longer bear the right to impose its radical policies on Alberta, or simply put, Alberta will gain independence from the authoritarian regime of Justin Trudeau.
Alberta Sovereignty Act
Be it climate agenda, anti-Covid policies or fundamental rights of free speech and peaceful protests, Trudeau’s policies are looked askance upon by almost every conservative province of Canada. And now, it looks like Alberta’s patience has run out. The topmost leader of Alberta’s United Conservatives Party or UCP Danielle Smith has now proposed a new legislation, namely the Alberta Sovereignty Act, which will simply allow Alberta to ignore federal laws, court rulings and regulatory decisions that the provincial legislature doesn’t like.

Smith said, “It seems to me we’ve established a precedent that laws that do not work in a particular jurisdiction, that the province has the latitude to either seek an exemption or say it won’t apply”. She pointed to B.C. on cannabis and Quebec’s Bill 96, which insists on French supremacy in the province, as examples for Alberta to follow. “B.C. and Quebec have set the standard. So, if other provinces are doing it, why shouldn’t we also assert the rights of our citizens?”
Danielle Smith believes that Trudeau is striving to introduce Chinese-style state capitalism to Canada, which should be taken seriously and be stymied. To ensure that Alberta remains free from Trudeau’s state capitalism, she is vowing to make Alberta “Trudeau-proof,” or a state in which Trudeau won’t be able to make them dance on his tunes.
Mind the fact that provinces in Canada already have the Notwithstanding Clause, which allows them to temporarily suspend certain sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It means that Alberta is in no way seeking “independence” from Canada or fuelling secessionism. The state just wants to strip Trudeau of the right to impose his dictatorial policies on it.
The fact that the liberal media in Canada has gone bonkers over this proposal reaffirms that the proposed Alberta Sovereignty Act has indeed become a necessity for the Albertans. The media is confidently predicting a constitutional crisis in Alberta. Some experts claim that such a legislation would be illegal in nature and would never get enforced. But Danielle Smith defends her declaration by arguing that she is seeking independence from Justin Trudeau and not from Canada.
Albertans have genuine grievances with the Trudeau administration. Trudeau wants to shut down Alberta’s most valuable industry—the oil and gas sector. The hub reports that Alberta contributes billions of dollars more each year to the rest of Canada than they get back and, in return, the governments that benefit from their largesse conspire to shut down Alberta’s most valuable industry. And successive federal governments have used provincial transfer payments to curry favour with vote-rich provinces at Alberta’s expense.
So, it has become crystal clear how Trudeau’s policies are creating rifts in Canada’s unity. Frankly speaking, the leftists may tell you that Alberta Sovereignty Act reflects badly on Canada’s image on the international stage, but Trudeau’s dictatorship has sadly made it a necessity.