Collection of 35 Bad Luck quotes and captions

bad luck quotes and captions

Share these bad luck or no luck quotes with your friends to inspire them to try their best to avoid misfortune. Below, you will find a compilation of motivational, insightful, and encouraging quotes about bad luck, sayings about bad luck, and sayings about bad luck. Below is our collection of motivational, sage, and memorable bad luck captions and sayings, collected from a variety of sources throughout the years. These luck sayings will help answer those questions, as well as try to explain the meaning behind being lucky.

This selection of luck captions includes tips from Emmerson, Shakespeare, Tony Robbins, and others. Read on to see those 35 captions. I do not consider myself to be a overly superstitious person, but I am not above helping out with my fortunes. I am a big believer in luck, and I have found that the harder I work, the luckier I am.

35 Bad Luck quotes

I try not to be overly jealous of others when it seems like Lady Luck is giving them its blessings, but rather I just try to work that bit harder.

Not a lot of people get bad luck like me, but also not many get lucky that much.

You can feel lucky about somebody’s good luck, but it does not mean that you forget about your bad luck.

Your good luck comes in waves, just like your bad luck, so you need to take the good with the bad, and keep going.

If one person does not have the bad luck, someone else has to take their place.

Good luck is when opportunities meet preparation, and bad luck is when a lack of preparation meets reality.

Sometimes luck is truly being in the right place at the right time, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Here’s the thing about luck… you do not know whether it is good or bad until you get a little perspective.

Good luck is, to a certain extent, when bad luck does not occur, but the world wants stories of how bad luck happens, and how good luck plays the rescuer.

People get lucky, and they only get lucky.

The most profound conviction of any human being is that he will be unlucky, and this belief will follow from ostentation.

Life is not that bad, as long as you have plenty of luck, good physical condition, and not much imagination.

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Hard Luck captions and sayings

If you like our suggestion of hard luck quotes that will bring a little magic into your life, then why not check out What You’re Worth It or Good Mood captions. Whatever your opinion on the concept of luck, if you like captions like me, we can read the famous captions about luck. We’ve compiled a selection of the best captions to help you better understand luck and harness the power it brings.

Here are more captions from great authors about luck and hard work for your love and your life.

No one will be successful without hard work, support from others, and a little bit of luck.

For any band that ends up getting really famous, yes, hard work has something to do with it, but in a lot of ways it’s just pure luck.

Make a fortune by working really hard and trying a lot of things.

You have to make up for your luck by working as hard as you can and doing your best.

When you’re lucky, like me, you have to work as hard as you can to earn that fortune.

I think luck, to some extent; if you work hard at something, you will have better luck than if you don’t.

I am a big believer in luck and believe that the harder I work, the more I have.

I think by working hard, making the right moves, you can make your own luck.

Many people might say that luck is important, but I think you make your luck by working hard to make sure you don’t miss out on opportunities.

When you work hard, you learn enough to find good opportunities and turn away bad ones.

Luck is when opportunity meets preparation, and failure is when lack of preparation meets reality.

The amount of luck that comes to you depends on your willingness to act.

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Bad Luck quotes and captions

Be careful what you wish for, unless you have the grace to hope that luck can be shared.

It’s a matter of luck… you don’t know if it’s good or bad until you have perspective.

When we say “good luck”, many words come to mind, such as “auspicious”, “good luck”, “bad luck”, “good luck”, “failure”, acts of inspiration, new opportunities and friends.

People tend to think that luck is made up of equal parts talent, hard work, and pure luck.

We will say, however, that it is hard to imagine that luck could distinguish some people as those who are busy and continue to face disaster after disaster without ever doing anything wrong, quotes without quotes.

It takes luck and hard work to be in the right place at the right time, but I still firmly believe that it is possible.

With a little luck and a lot of hard work, this writing thing can be successful.

Losers invent luck as an excuse for not wanting to work. Luck means finding random people who end up being best friends, or when good or bad attempts turn into success.

Remember, sometimes it is a great stroke of luck to not get exactly what you wanted.

We would argue, however, that itas difficult to see that luck singling certain individuals out, such as the ones who worked their asses off and were nevertheless met with disaster after disaster, never having done something quot-unquote terrible.

What I have found is that many things that seem to look like luck on the surface are actually part of the system.

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