A Beautiful Collection Of 20+ Ella Baker Quotes For Life

ella baker quote

African-American fighter for civil and human rights, Ella Josephine Baker. She worked as an organizer for more than five decades, primarily in the background. She collaborated with some of the most well-known civil rights activists of the 20th century in New York City and the South. Enjoy the following Ella Baker quotes  and feel free to share.

Ella Baker quotes

Strong leaders are not necessary for strong individuals.

People will find their path if you provide light…

Although I didn’t breach the law, I did challenge it.

Strong leaders don’t necessarily need strong individuals, is my theory.

The development of leadership with the aid of leadership concepts differs greatly from the development of single persons as leaders.

In essence, I think people just want to live in a good world.

You didn’t watch me on television or read about me in the news. I tried to take on a role where I would pick up or put together bits so that, maybe, an organization would emerge. Strong leaders don’t necessarily need strong individuals, in my opinion.

Until it does, those of us who believe in freedom cannot relax.

The system in which we currently live must be drastically altered if poor and downtrodden people like us are to become a significant part of society. It entails identifying a system that does not support your needs and coming up with a plan to alter it.

Another risk in our culture is that someone can come to believe that they are the movement because they are asked to make public declarations and receive praise from the establishment.

Until there is enough labor in our country to provide for everyone, people cannot be free.

Another risk in our culture is that someone can come to believe that they are the movement because they are asked to make public declarations and receive praise from the establishment.

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captions and sayings by E Baker

Since I never considered myself to be employed by an organization, my biggest fling is still to come. I’ve always made an effort to advance causes.

Out of my fifty-plus years, the three years from 1960 to 1963 seem to me to be the greatest of my life.

The process of waiting to change the system and how much work it takes to understand who we are, where we have come from, and where we are heading are two things that need to be tackled.

Because sadly in our culture the charismatic leader typically becomes a leader because he has found a seat in the public spotlight, I have always believed it is a disadvantage for oppressed peoples to rely so heavily on a leader.

I come from a family that has a strong connection to others.

We must not only understand where we have come from but also remember it in order to recognize where we are heading.

We who believe in freedom cannot rest until the killing of black men and the killing of black mothers’ sons becomes as significant to the rest of the nation as the killing of white mothers’ sons.

I have always believed that what is needed is the development of individuals who are more interested in fostering leadership in others than they are in themselves.

Regardless of their formal educational background, oppressed people are able to comprehend and analyze their surroundings, recognize reality for what it is, and take action to change it.

Keep in mind that we are battling not just for the liberation of Black people but also for the freedom of the human spirit, more universal freedom.

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