Every conservative province in Canada to go broke, thanks to Trudeau


We live in a time when Canadians are coming out in the open saying their confidence in the current Trudeau government is non-existent. This is a clear reflection of the wide range of policies that time and again test the patience of sane-minded Canadians.

Canada and Centralisation

But Justin Trudeau is not even bothered by what his own citizens say. You see, it is not very “Trudeau” to mind what people say, and it is definitely not very “Trudeau” to help conservative provinces achieve success. So, the young liberal prince is coming up with a rule that could spell the end of conservative dominance in provinces such as Alberta.

Subsidiarity is essential to federalist countries such as Canada, and yet the Trudeau government has consistently chosen to intervene in areas that are not only better left to the provinces, but in many cases, Canada’s Constitution specifically defines as areas of provincial authority.

Showing all the qualities of an authoritarian, Trudeau is calling for centralization in Canada that will see the power go out of the hands of provincial territories. Make no mistake, this move is a well-mastered plan to achieve one single goal — Get hold of the power of conservatives in prized provinces like Alberta.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau . Source: Indian Express

READ MORE: All conservative voices in Canada to be banned soon!

Trudeau, with this centralization gimmick, has promised a lot of spending to the provincial territories. All this new spending in provincial areas is occurring when Ottawa cannot get control of federal finances despite surging revenues. This year, Ottawa expects to spend $52.8 billion more than it has in revenues, with the total national debt reaching $1.8 trillion. And these projections are based on economic assumptions, including 3.9% real growth in the economy and 3.9% inflation. Given how inaccurate these economic assumptions are, federal finances could be in worse shape with more spending and borrowing than budgeted.

For Justin Trudeau, Alberta is a genuine case of bafflement. For years, Trudeau has tried different tricks from his liberal textbook to gain popularity in this terrain but to no avail. For decades, Albertans have shared their wealth with the rest of the country—more than $600 billion since 1967. Alberta’s abundant resources have helped scale big heights of development for the country. Whenever it was in the need of Canada’s interest Alberta came out with a helping hand. But the kind gesture was only seen from Alberta’s side.

Alberta requested assistance from across the nation during the exhausting COVID peak surge, but the health minister of British Columbia flatly refused, revealing their true colours. It’s important to keep in mind two things: first, that Alberta always stepped in to support the entire nation, and second, that the NDP, a close Trudeau ally, currently rules British Columbia.

But with no big help to boast, Alberta came out of all such scares and it’s faring well compared to other liberal provinces. This has got the greed ticking again with Trudeau who is pressing up for centralization. Federalist countries work best—economically, financially, and practically—when governments follow subsidiarity and respect specified areas of responsibility. Trudeau is bashing every ounce of ethics and the cost will be significant for the whole of Canada.


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