Collection of 31 Hopeless quotes and captions

hopeless quotes

If you are looking to share an inspirational quote with your significant other, be sure to choose from our list of the best. Start using our favourite hopeless romantic quotes right away, and make your love blossom into something more beautiful each and every day. That is right, some of the greatest captions about the hopeless people are below, so that you can gasp and weep along with the playwrights, poets, and lyricists that said it.

32 Hopeless quotes

You can always find the paradoxes and hope, the despairing circumstances, the feeling of redemption, in someone who is made the same mistakes, again and again.

The hopeless man sees hardship in every opportunity, but the hopeful person sees opportunity in every hardship.

If you are willing to be hopeful, you can be hopeful about every type of situation in life.

The reason why I have never given up hope is that things are just that fundamentally unhopeful.

Hopelessness is a burdensome emotion, and it is the key ingredient of depression, which makes it seem like you are trapped in a downward spiral, which seems impossible to get out of, but the truth is, even when you are feeling defeated, it is still possible to make changes.

Living with depression can leave you feeling as though you have been stripped of your own strength and of any sense of hope for the future.

Depression can deplete your energy, take away your motivation, and leave you feeling hopeless.

Beliefs cause problems when you are challenged, because anything that seems bigger than you can handle is bound to leave you feeling desperate and depressed.

Realize there are no impossible situations; only people with impossible attitudes.

To those who sometimes say the Middle East is hopeless, we say that we can look to Northern Ireland and draw some hopes from it.

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Hopelessness quotes and captions

A bit more perseverance, a bit more commitment, and what seems like a desperate defeat could become a glorious success.

We hope that the following Depression quotes about fighting and conquering severe depression or anxiety can motivate and help you to feel better, even just for a moment.

I am a pretty good one. a A Say Anything AI am going to forever be a hopeless romantic, not only about people, but places, things, songs, animals.

I am a hopeless romantic, I believe that you can find love in a lot of different places, and be really conflicted about it.

When we are feeling defeated, all we have to do is take a deep breath and say, Yes, and hope reawakens.

No matter what happens, no matter how bad things are, there is always hope of rescue, so long as we have love.

There is no love without hope, nor hope without love, and there is neither hope nor love without faith.

I know that one cannot live by hope alone, but life is worthless without it.

No matter how hard life gets, living with hope is what matters.

It is that tiny glimmer of hope that keeps you going, to see things through — no matter how hard things are.

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Hopeless quotes

These hope quotes will leave you feeling both, helping you to start feeling hopeful once more. These are brilliant hope quotes that will help you to continue on, even when things are hard. During times like this, all you need is some great hope and encouragement to keep going.

Hope is that thing within us that insists, against all evidence to the contrary, that there is something better out there waiting for us, if only we had the courage to reach out and work toward it, to struggle toward it.

Hope is the feathery thing that sits on a ledge inside a soul, singing the melody without a words, and never stopping altogether.

Hope is the feeling that one can have what one wants, or events will work out for the best.

Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best thing, and good things never die.

If you get out there and you create a few good things, you are going to make a difference in the world, and you are going to make a difference in yourself.

When you feel that hope is gone, look inside yourself, and stay strong, and eventually you will see the truth — the heroes are inside of you.

Hope is an ocean to a river, the sun to trees, and a sky to us.

I chose to lift myself out of this storm to see that, in moments of despair, fear, and powerlessness, we each can become rainbows of hope, doing our best to reach out to each other with kindness and grace.

If you would stop whining and crying, I would use this to turn you into something that I could use in other peoples lives, to show them that wherever they are, however deep the pit, however painful the trials, there is hope.

Some people are naturally more optimistic and hopeful, but even they require some assurance every once in a while, That things are going to turn out okay.

Hope means to be hopeful when things are not hopeful, otherwise it is not a virtue at all.

As long as things are actually hopeful, hope is just fawning or cliche; only when things are hopeless does hope start to become a power.

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