Trudeau makes Canada the most Euthanasia friendly country

If you are stressed out, anxious, depressed or struggling with mental health, in general, you will seek help. Right? But hang on! You’re living in Trudeau’s Canada. If you are somehow ‘surviving’ in Trudeau’s Canada, you are not entitled to any such help. Rather you might get forced to depart. So, beware!

In Canada, it’s either Trudeau’s way or Trudeau’s way. Because if you aren’t mentally happy, the Canadian government is ready and impatiently waiting to take you to the other side. The Liberal government in Canada is going off the charts on the metric of brutality and they seem to be happy about it…

Trudeau’s government has already greenlit one of the world’s most liberal euthanasia regimes.The Canadian health system is now actively going after people struggling with mental health. Can you believe this? The schizophenic government is promoting a suicide prevention drive on one hand, and executing state-sanctioned deaths on the other.

But this is business as usual in Trudeau’s Canada.

You see, lately, a new secretly recorded audio has surfaced in which a medical ethicist is heard raising the subject of euthanasia with a disabled patient, Roger Foley, after reminding him that he was costing the system “north of $1,500 a day.”

Foley told the AP that he had never previously expressed any desire for a medically assisted death, and began recording the staff after they kept mentioning it to see if he had “an interest.”

Source- NDTV

We might not be wrong if we call this ‘Aktion T4 2.0’. The aforementioned 1930 Nazi-program was an involuntary euthanasian program or better known as mass murder in ‘Hitler’s Germany’. The state of affairs in Trudeau’s Canada are remarkably similar. The current regime is doing the same thing in the garb of assisting the mentally ill to die willfully just to get rid of the pain.

However it is Trudeau and his regime that’s the real pain for Canadians right now. Euthanasia first got legalised in Canada in 2016. A previous prohibition on assisted suicide was overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada, which in turn gave the Parliament a deadline for enshrining medical assistance in dying (MAID) in law.

The original legislation cautiously restricted the use of MAID for Canadians. “Incurable disease” and “death in the forseeable future” are some of the clauses that had to be fulfilled.

But early this year, the federal government was forced to extend MAID eligibility to sick Canadians who weren’t necessarily on the verge of death due to yet another constitutional challenge, this one brought by the Quebec Superior Court. The law will be further broadened to encompass Canadians with mental illness in 2023.

Since then, MAID has experienced a sharp increase in recent years. Nearly 7,600 Canadians chose euthanasia to terminate their lives in 2020, a 17% increase from 2019. MAID now accounts for 7.5% of all fatalities in areas with a disproportionately ageing population, such as Vancouver Island.

Canadians with treatable illness are now subjected to prescribed death by lethal injection.

Source- NDTV

“The fact is Mr. Trudeau has had enough of you now and he wants you to Please just go and die” said a patient who has been struggling for years to secure proper care for chronic pain, warned last month that MAID could very quickly become a means to remove patients like her from the system.

Till now, many of you might have got the picture of what it’s like to live in Trudeau’s Canada with a disability or an impairment. Clearly, it’s better to be dead than to live with mental health issues.

If you are scouting assistance or affection in Canada then you are probably backing the wrong horse because you might just get a chance to meet the lord.

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