Collection of 24 Mercy quotes and captions

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24 Mercy quotes

“This is a world for those who forgive. There is no other life except for those who forgive. Forgiving men gain respect in this world and great speed in the hereafter.”

I’m not perfect, I also make mistakes, I hurt people, but when I apologize to someone, I ask from the bottom of my heart.

Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.

It is much easier to forgive the enemy after taking revenge.

There is nothing more powerful than forgiveness to turn sin into virtue.

Forgiveness is more masculine than punishment.

If charity is to become the best, then learn to forgive.

Forgiveness is a form of bondage in this world. What is not achieved with forgiveness? He who has the sword of peace in his hand, his wicked cannot do evil. – mercy quotes

Forgiveness quotes and captions

Forgiveness is equivalent to defeating the enemy.

He who forgives and forgets the past receives a reward from God.

Forgiving someone who has no remorse is as insignificant as drawing a line in the water.

If there is something to forgive in everything, there is also something to condemn.

The man who cannot forgive a woman will never have the opportunity to use her great qualities. – mercy quotes

Humans have the right to forgiveness, animals do not.

To forgive or forgive someone is to release a prisoner and know that prisoner was you.

To understand means to forgive, to oneself and to others.

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Mercy quotes

Always forgive your enemies. Nothing can bother them more than that.

To make mistakes is human and to forgive is divine.

There is no future without forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the ultimate form of love.

Forgiveness is like faith. You have to keep him alive.

It is very easy to forgive the mistakes of others, it takes much more courage to forgive when you see your own mistakes. – mercy quotes

Thank God for this beautiful life and forgive us if we don’t love it so much.

Most of us forgive and forget. We just want the other person to remember that we have forgiven them.

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