29 Ansel Adams quotes and captions collection

Ansel Adams quotes

Read the collection of beautiful 29 Ansel Adams quotes and captions here at tfipost and feel free to share on Instagram and Twitter and do tag us too.

29 Ansel Adams quotes

“I’m sure the next step will be electronic imaging, and I hope to live to see it. I trust that the creative eye will continue to work no matter what technological innovation develops.”

Myths and cults are heroic struggles to understand the truth of the world.

The ease with which we can construct a surface image often leads to creative disaster.

Sometimes I get to places where God is preparing someone to click the shutter.

…we see differently with color photography than with black and white photography… In short, the gaze must be modified by the material used and the specificity of the material. – Ansel Adams quotes

Dodging and burning are steps to correct God’s errors in establishing a tonal relationship.

I intend to present, through photography, spontaneous observations of the natural world that can be meaningful to viewers.

In the wisdom I have accumulated over time, I have discovered that every experience is a form of exploration.

Photography is much more than a means of objective communication of ideas. It is a creative art.

The negative is the same as the imprint of the composer’s score and his interpretation. Each performance differs in subtle ways.

Ansel Adams captions

“We must remember that an image can only contain what we put into it, and no one has ever reached the full potential of the medium.”

Twelve important photographs in a year is a good harvest.

The only things in my life that exist according to this grand universe are the creative works of the human soul.

Ask yourself: Does this topic make me feel, think, and dream?

An image often seen is rarely seen.

You don’t take pictures, you make them.

Photography, a powerful means of expression and communication, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. – Ansel Adams quotes

When the words get blurry, I will focus on the images. When the images become insufficient, I will settle for silence.

There are no rules for good photos, only good photos.

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Ansel Adams quotes

“Some photographers take reality…and let their minds and spirits rule them. Others approach reality with more tenderness and for them an image is an instrument of love and revelation. ”

A good photo is knowing where to stand.

I think there is nothing more disturbing than a sharp image of a vague concept!

There are always two people in every image: the photographer and the viewer.

Landscape photography is the photographer’s ultimate test and often the ultimate disappointment.

It’s terrible that we have to fight with our own government to save the environment. – Ansel Adams quotes

Sometimes I get to places where God is preparing someone to click the shutter.

Not everyone believes in paintings, but people do believe in photographs.

A great photograph is one that perfectly expresses what one feels, in a deeper sense, about what is photographed.

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