22 God is in Control Quotes: true? Let’s find out

god is in control quotes

Scottish author Oswald Chambers said- everything that tests your faith will make it stronger if you remain steadfast in your belief in Him. Up until our physical death, which is the final major test, there are ongoing trials in the life of faith. Faith is complete trust in God, a confidence that cannot conceive of Him abandoning us. Enjoy the quotes that say God is in Control.

22 God is in control quotes

“You will experience a sense of heavenly refuge when you acknowledge that God is in control of all things, including the dry and difficult seasons that occasionally occur. At that point, your trust is in God rather than in yourself.”

Funny how aimless a person can feel occasionally, even though they are aware that God is in charge.

My duty is to live for God and to pursue every opportunity.

God is in charge, so I can be thankful for everything, not for the circumstance itself, but for the One who controls and rules it.

I have always maintained that God is in charge.

For me, faith entails having the complete assurance that God is in charge of my life and is looking out for my interests.

To help you realize that He is the One who heals things, God occasionally places you in situations that only He can resolve. Rest. He has it.

I’m convinced that everything will turn out for the best in the end since God is in charge. – god is in control quotes

Creator quotes and captions

“Today, let me comfort you that God knows exactly where you are and how to get you there. His hand is on you even when things don’t turn out the way you had hoped.”

God frequently uses the circumstances we beg Him to CHANGE in order to CHANGE US.

I have held a lot of things in my hands, and I have lost them all, but I still have everything I have given to God.

Nothing comes as a surprise to God, nothing deviates from His plans, nothing can stop Him from achieving His goals, and nothing is out of His control. – god is in control quotes

God’s control is unwavering. He makes no errors at all. He always acts in our best interests and for the greater good.

God may occasionally let us reach our lowest point in order to reveal to us that He is the rock beneath it all.

When things are tough, keep in mind that God is our Father and will never leave his children.

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God is in control quotes

“Let me remind you that God created this world and that He is running it according to His will. You may believe you have a superior solution, but there isn’t a universe for you to dominate.”

You wouldn’t have anything to worry about if you prayed as frequently as you worried.

You must have faith that God is in charge of your life. Even though it may be a difficult period, you must have faith that God has a purpose for it and will turn everything around. – god is in control quotes

You only trusted God to forward your goal if you claim: “I believed in God, I trusted God, and He didn’t come through.”

Things aren’t broken by God so He can fix them; rather, He mends them so He can use them.

Even if circumstances in our lives may not always make sense or seem fair, they are right when God is in charge of them.

You are not alone in your troubles since God sees and hears everything. God has prepared a way for you to be delivered, so hold fast and be steady.

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