Collection of Nicki Minaj quotes and Captions

Nicki Minaj quotes

“They don’t see the tears I cry, the fears I hide. I tend to keep my worries inside, it’s just pride.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 25 more Nicki Minaj quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

25 Nicki Minaj quotes

You must be a beast, that’s the only way they will respect you.

There is nothing more beautiful than a smile that has fought back tears.

Mind over matter, I don’t care and you don’t care.

Life is a price, but living does not mean you are alive.

When a good girl leaves, she leaves forever. – Nicki Minaj quotes

I just want women to always feel in control. Because we are capable, we are so capable.

Like, I mean, I don’t even know why you’re bothering right now. Like, give up. It’s me. I win and you lose.

My tears have dried and I know that no weapon formed against me will prosper.

Captions by Nickii Minaj

If I didn’t win, you wouldn’t care.

Respect your enemies, they are the only ones who think you are better than them.

Beauty can bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty.

Women should be allowed to be as tough and sexual as we want because men do it all the time.

It’s strange how someone you once loved can turn into someone else you once knew. – Nicki Minaj quotes

I believe that life is a price, but living does not mean that you are alive.

Good advice that I’ve always hated, but in hindsight it made me bigger.

Haters, I’m not your enemy, I’m your hero. Cheer up, you should be glad I’m here.

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Nicki Minaj quotes

I think one of the things that struck me was how much the world cares about “American Idol” and how people, writers, write about “Idol” all the time, and I guess I wasn’t expecting that.

When I wake up in the morning and put on a pink or green wig, I look like a piece of animation. It allows me to be the person I want to be, a person who is not ashamed to have fun. – Nicki Minaj quotes

I think sometimes the world of fashion isn’t even about clothes anymore; It’s about that “in” crowd, and I don’t like it.

People always want to talk about who I was, but I was always singing, always experimenting with pop music.

My happiness does not come from money or fame. My happiness comes from seeing life without struggle.

Turns out I’m a pessimist, and maybe that’s a good thing because I don’t stop to smell the roses, which personally isn’t a good thing. I don’t stop and I enjoy these moments… Always in the next and never in the moment.

I have some personalities. When people started giving it a lot of importance, I started creating names for those people.

I’ve gotten tons of awards and I think when it’s time to get a Grammy, I’ll get a Grammy.

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