31 Insightful Mike Tyson quotes and captions

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31 Mike Tyson quotes and captions 

“I want to rip his heart out and give it to Lennox Lewis. I want to kill people. I want to rip out their stomachs and eat their children.”

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

God allows everything to happen for a reason. It’s all a learning process, and you have to go from level to level.

As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.

Greatness is not in protecting yourself from people; greatness is accepted by the people.

I could feel his muscle tissues collapsing under my force. It’s ridiculous that these mortals are even trying to enter my realm.

I don’t try to intimidate anyone before a fight. It’s stupid. I intimidate people by hitting them. – Mike Tyson quotes

When I was in prison, I was wrapped up in all these profound books. That Tolstoy shit: people shouldn’t read that stuff.

I don’t understand why people would want to get rid of pigeons. They don’t bother anyone.

Sometimes I put on a balaclava and dress in old clothes, I go out to ask for accommodation.

Our money is bait money, and bait money should not be used.

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Captions by Boxer Tyson

“Every time there is a revolution, it comes from someone reading a book about the revolution. David Walker wrote a book and Nat Turner did his thing.”

I’m not very talkative. You know what I do. I put guys in body bags when I’m right.

I just want to be humble at all times.

I try to catch them on the tip of his nose, because I’m trying to hit the brain bone.

Everyone has plans… until they get hit.

I’m a historian, and that scares me.

I love to hit people. I like it. – Mike Tyson quotes

People will say what you say. I know that sometimes I say things; I offend people.

I’m a weirdo, but that’s what I think.

If Jesus were here, do you think Jesus would show me love? Do you think Jesus would love me?

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Mike Tyson quotes and captions

“I have the same malice in my heart when it comes to the fight game, but I won’t say anything outside the ring that a worthy man won’t say.”

I just look around and say, I’m a mess. I don’t know why I do things.

I’m glad I’m not an impostor.

Some people try to take you out of bondage to be their slave.

Hold on and practice your art. This is what the artist does. The artist is perfect.

I can’t change. I am a normal kid from the ghetto who strives to do something positive with himself. I happen to fight well.

To achieve great success, you must be prepared to fail greatly. If you can’t do both, you have a problem.

As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want. – Mike Tyson quotes

God allows everything to happen for a reason. It’s all a learning process, and you have to go from level to level.

I am the greatest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don’t believe it, check the cash register.

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