Collection of 30 Aries quotes and captions

Aries quotes

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30 Aries quotes and captions

Aries should come first, but they’ll want you to be a passenger on their adventurous journey.

This disarming naivety is also why Aries is so fearless.

Aries has a jealous heart.

Aries rules the head and the brain, and like Aries, Arians fight head first.

Aries in its many attacks knows no favorites.

Aries was born to leave their mark on the world and take the road less travelled.

You can look for a liberal attitude, a prodigious generosity both in time and in material things, and a marked will to lead all the steps -with sound cymbals-.

Aries represents the East, the Forces of the Day, which is why most of them fight so vigorously against sleep, tranquility, rest and resignation to Fate. – Aries quotes

If they had given me half an Oscar. I would have thrown it in the face. You see, I am Aries. I never lose.

Aries-prone people strongly project their own personality and can be very selfish.

Taleh quotes and captions

Aries leads with blind optimism, going through life with an electric zest for life that perfectly complements their distinctive impulsiveness.

As an Aries, you gravitate towards the center of action.

Like everyone else, Aries can feel fear, but have learned to act anyway, always striving to overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt.

Aries isn’t always adept at expressing their feelings, but make no mistake about it.

You can definitely rely on an Aries when the chips are low.

Aries needs a partner ready to set sail at any time: impulsive and action-oriented, they prefer not to plan or overthink a situation.

Let Aries know how much you admire them right off the bat.

Aries gets scorching hot as everyone runs out of gas.

Aries hearts always bear more scars than Aries show or openly discuss. – Aries quotes

The Aries woman will help you regain your lost illusions and will have fierce faith in all your dreams.

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Aries quotes and captions

Aries is usually one step ahead of us. A too predictable life worries them.

I like the idea of being Aries.

This disarming naivety is also why Aries is so fearless.

Aries often defies emotional description. No one can display such tough and forceful demeanor.

Aries has a jealous heart.

As an Aries, you believe in Karma, but only because you are Karma.

Aries represents the East, the Forces of the Day, which is why most of them fight so vigorously against sleep, tranquility, rest and resignation to Fate.

Aries has an innocent, melancholic side to their nature, and a sort of eternal, joyful, naive faith, mixed with the blind zeal of the born crusader. – Aries quotes

Aries can lack everything, but you will always see them struggle.

Aries are leaders, not followers: Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it.

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