24 Ted Engstrom Quotes and Captions

Ted Engstrom quotes and captions

“The eminence of the great leaders of the history is attributed to their greatness in prayer.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of Insightful 24 more Ted Engstrom quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

24 Ted Engstrom Quotes

The concept of a leader…means one who guides the activities of others and who himself acts and executes to carry out these activities.

Select a trainee whose life philosophy you share.

Although leadership can be difficult to define, the characteristic common to all leaders is the ability to make things happen.

Be committed, serious and available to learners.

A true leader must have a strong will to take the initiative to act, a kind of initial shock that makes people and an organization use their best abilities to achieve the desired end. – Ted Engstrom quotes

A smile begets a smile.

The eminence of the great leaders of the history is attributed to their greatness in prayer.

A congregation that is not deeply and seriously involved in the worldwide proclamation of the gospel does not understand the nature of salvation.

T Engstrom sayings

The rewards for those who persevere far outweigh the pain that must precede victory.

Time itself isn’t really the problem, but the people using it are. Time itself isn’t really the problem, but the people using it are.

Ultimately, you do what you do for one of two reasons: to serve yourself or to serve God. There is enough time in each day to do God’s work… God’s way. – Ted Engstrom quotes

Excellence is a process that must occupy all our days.

People who excuse their failures by saying “I don’t have time” are actually admitting poor time management.

Excellence requires that you be better than yourself.

Focus on the essentials. We will then obtain the best possible results with the efforts made.

When there is a lot of confidence, a person tends to be more open and less defensive. You don’t have to waste time trying anything.

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Ted Engstrom Quotes

All wasted effort is wasted time.

The best management of our time thus becomes inseparable from the best use of our efforts.

Time itself isn’t really the issue, but the people using it are.

People who excuse their failures by saying “I don’t have time” are actually admitting poor time management.

Ultimately, you do what you do for one of two reasons: to serve yourself or to serve God. There is plenty of time each day to do God’s work…in God’s way. – Ted Engstrom quotes

There is plenty of time each day to do God’s work…in God’s way.

All wasted effort is wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes inseparable from the best use of our efforts.

To achieve this, the leader must set goals. To set goals, you need to make decisions. To achieve your goals, you need to plan.

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