Collection of 35 Glennon Doyle quotes and captions

Glennon Doyle quotes

“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Do not be afraid.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 35 more Glennon Doyle quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

35 Glennon Doyle quotes

Being messy and complicated and scared and showing off anyway.

If you ask a woman who she is, she will tell you who she serves and sometimes what she does. But that’s not the whole story.

You are not here to waste time deciding if my life is true and beautiful enough for you. You are here to decide if your life, your relationships, and your world are true and beautiful enough for you. – Glennon Doyle quotes

The construction of the true and the beautiful means the destruction of the good enough.

Life is a conversation. Make a good one.

This life belongs only to me. So I stopped asking people how to get to places they had never been.

Life is hard, not because we hurt by it, just because it’s hard to live.

Freedom is not being for or against an ideal, but creating your own existence from scratch. – Glennon Doyle quotes

An activist is anyone in your life, family or community who sees something that needs to change and acts on it.

No one is more ready to show off than anyone. It’s just that some people show up before they’re perfect and before they’re ready.

G. Doyle captions and sayings

If you sit with what pisses you off and breaks your heart, it will be a big red arrow pointing you towards a goal.

Freedom is not being for or against an ideal, but creating your own existence from scratch.

We are all bilingual. We speak the language of indoctrination, but our mother tongue is the language of imagination. – Glennon Doyle quotes

I stopped being a silent peacemaker and started being a loud peacemaker. My anger was good.

The change is gradual and sometimes silent. And it happens. I promise you it is happening.

The only meaningful thing we can give each other is love. No advice, no questions about our choices, no suggestions for the future, just love.

Suffering people don’t need avoiders, protectors, or fixers. What we need is a patient and loving testimony. People have to sit quietly and reserve a space for us. People have to stand up to witness our pain.

If our goal is to be tolerant of people who are different from us, then we are aiming pretty low. Traffic jams must be tolerated. People should be celebrated. – Glennon Doyle quotes

People who need help are sometimes a lot like people who don’t need help.

Because love is not something to look for, hope, expect or dream of. It’s just something to do.

My purpose is clearer today than it has been in years: Love, Courage, Truth.

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Glennon Doyle quotes

Love is the opposite of control. Love requires trust.

Loving fiercely and crying deeply are often two halves of the same whole.

It is normal to feel too much and know too little. – Glennon Doyle quotes

You can never have enough of what you don’t need.

We have to go back to our own bodies and figure out what we want to do. And then the next step is to do it without explanation.

I think there are as many different versions of feminism as there are women.

Feminism should be defined as freedom.

Life is a quest to find something that cannot be found. They put us here needing something that doesn’t exist here. – Glennon Doyle, continue with the warrior

People will like me or not, but pleasing isn’t the only thing that matters to me; integrity is… I’m willing to lose anything that forces me to hide a part of myself. – Glennon Doyle quotes

We don’t understand why we hurt those we love.

We have forgotten how to know when we have learned to please.

We are so afraid of dying. To live too.

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