British Columbia wants more money to protect, love, and pamper Muslim population

Source: Yahoo News Canada

How many of you are familiar with Younus Kathrada, a Canadian Islamist cleric who in 2019 accused the authorities, the media, and the government of being responsible for the shooting in New Zealand?

Do you guys remember John Nuttall and Amanda Korody, a couple residing in B.C. convicted in 2015 of planning to plant pressure cooker bombs in the legislative precinct on Canada Day in 2013? 

Well, these are just a few names; such instances in British Columbia are very common now. It’s not as if the B.C. authorities have no clue why such radicalism is on the rise in the region. They just don’t want to talk about it in the open due to political interests. 

However, recent activity in B.C. needs to be taken care of. Islamic scholars and clerics who ideally have a puppy love for Islamists are demanding money from the Federal authorities. But, why let’s check it out.  

According to CBC news, the Muslim community, which is primarily comprised of scholars and clerics in B.C., has called on Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party to take concrete action to address Islamophobia.

As per the report, it is part of a country-wide study on Islamophobia by the Senate Committee on Human Rights. Members of B.C.’s Muslim community have called for more concrete action to address Islamophobia in the province and across the country.

The community, which primarily consisted of scholars and community leaders, gathered at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre for this public hearing.

Members of the community have called for the federal government to take appropriate action because, over the past five years, more Muslims have been targeted by hate attacks in Canada than in any other G-7 country due to Islamophobia.  

Calls for More Rights

The clerics have called for more funding for anti-racism education and training at institutions, including K–12 schools and workplaces.

The members stress that Islamophobia manifests itself in all facets of society, and now, it’s Trudeau’s duty to step in when Islamophobia occurs, speak out against it, and put a stop to it.

Source: CBC

The members have also called for funding support for grassroots organizations supporting the Muslim community — including in efforts to find jobs, fill out government paperwork, and access mental health resources.

The members have also asked for greater representation in the news, movies, and advertisements to normalize the diversity of Canada’s Muslim community.

In short, the committee is preparing an endless list. Reportedly, they will submit the report and recommendations to the federal government and wait for positive feedback from Ottawa.  

A Good Call?

Without a doubt, the federal government is surely going to allocate funds for such initiatives. 

However, Canadians should first lay down some terms and conditions before a formal allocation. One condition should be called for to curb extremism in Islamic society. 

Owing to a rise in extremism, BC cities are now ranked among the worst places in Canada on the crime severity index.

Second, Justin Trudeau and his federal need to keep a check on whether the allocated funds are being utilized in the correct direction, and third, it should be ensured that people like Younus Kathrada and their well-wishers who call for D-day against Jews should not be supported.

Only these Islamists, who occasionally receive support from Mr Trudeau himself, are to blame if there is a rise in anti-Muslim sentiment. Make no mistake: the only factor driving the rise in Islamophobia is their ongoing, scandalous operations in British Columbia.

Now are British Columbia’s Islamic scholars and clerics currently seeking additional funding to care for, cherish, and pamper these Islamists? that needs to be figured out…

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