Truckers media trial: Canadian truckers weren’t allowed to protest even peacefully last winter. The ‘gong show of February’ received a lot of global attention and was poised to irk the nerves of the federal liberals in power.
Alas, such was the discontent against the federal government’s illogical vaccine mandates that doom was knocking at the Trudeau government’s door. Now, was all this supposed to be honoured by Trudeau-funded media? Certainly, not. And so the prime minister’s pet media went on a spree- peddling lies and hounding the truckers with trials. Ironically, now the truckers have put the media on trial.
Back in February 2022, Justin Trudeau imposed an emergency in the nation and thrashed the organisers of the protests behind bars. Furthermore, the whole blame for the protests was passed upon Moscow.
Lawyers for the Freedom Convoy protesters are requesting that legacy media organisations, such as the CBC, testify before the Public Order Emergency Commission over what they call false and misleading reportage on the movement earlier this year.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms wants CBC CEO Catherine Tait to be held accountable for the public broadcaster’s coverage of the convoy, which was initially reported by Blacklock’s Reporter.
“The Commission is mandated to investigate misinformation that led to the declaration of emergency. The biggest source of misinformation was the corporate press,” JCCF lawyer Hatim Kheir wrote to the Commission.
Kheir’s argument highlighted Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Supt. Pat Morris’ testimony, in which she questioned media coverage of purported radicalism and violence that wasn’t supported by the reality on the ground.

Read More: Was Freedom Convoy sponsored by Putin? Trudeau gets his answer now
“Supt. Morris’ evidence made it clear that members of the media were reporting unsubstantiated and false claims. As the head of Canada’s national broadcaster, Ms Tait should answer questions on her organization’s role in perpetuating misinformation,” explained Kheir.
Following a study by the Commission that concluded that the media played a significant role in spreading false information about the convoy, the JCCF, the Democracy Fund, and the Freedom Corporation made the request.
“A question for the Commission would be who the key social media actors were who seeded the convoy movement, both individual and media, and who amplified it,” wrote the report titled Mis-, Dis- and Misinformation And The Convoy: An Examination Of The Role And Responsibilities Of Social Media.
Trudeau and his pet media peddled the far-fetched claim that Russia was involved in organising the protests and is responsible for the mishap across the nation. Lies, however, don’t hold up for very long. The accusations and white falsehoods of ‘foreign interference’ made by Trudeau turned out to be false.
According to CBC anchor of the show Power & Politics, Nil Kökorsalon, Russia was crucial in the organization and planning of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy.
This absurd statement was made by Nil Köksal during an interview with Liberal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino as demonstrators arrived in Ottawa to oppose COVID-19 mandates. The CBC came under fire from its own Ombudsman for peddling white lies.
Other false information spread by legacy media included claims that convoy protesters attempted to set fire to an Ottawa residential complex in a separate incident.
The liberal media tried everything in its reach to pass the buck on Russia. At the very same moment when CBC raised questions over “Russian interference”, several Canadian media outlets came up with more stark assertions that Russia is trying its best to propagate a bad image of Canada.
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Trudeau knew that the discontent against him was enormous. So, he attempted to close the matter, citing it as ‘foreign interference.” Tragically, he succeeded.
By declaring a state of emergency and blaming the protesters for “foreign meddling,” a protest that could have put the liberal administration in Ottawa under siege was cast aside and crushed. This is the strength of the system run by the government and the Liberal media in the country, which deceived regular Canadians. But, now the time has come for the media to testify. After the media trial of truckers, truckers put media on trial