TPLF might be preparing to stab a large dagger in Abiy Ahmed’s back

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which is a West-backed terrorist organization, was once a political party in Ethiopia that ruled it for nearly three decades. The East African country witnessed economic development under its leadership but the TPLF government was authoritarian, which suppressed protests and dissent. Although the leading voice of a four-party coalition, its home base was in Tigray region.

In 2018, Abiy Ahmed came to power in the wake of huge protests against the TPLF government. The success of Abiy’s Prosperity Party infuriated the TPLF leaders who felt that they were losing their influence in the country. Therefore, they decided to illegally conduct provincial elections in Tigray.

As Ahmed took action against them, they started launching attacks on Ethiopian forces. For two years, TPLF led a genocidal campaign in the region. However, the government with the assistance of Eritrea prevented their acts to destabilize the nation and reminded it time and again that it needs to give up.

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There were times when truce was agreed upon by both sides, but the terror group always used it as a breathing space for acquiring more weapons and recruiting troops. When the African Union-led peace talks were agreed upon by both parties and later postponed thanks to the West.

Eventually, Abiy Ahmed’s government managed to bring TPLF to the table and a deal was brokered. The deal called for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the disarmament of its fighters, it agreed to the terms and conditions. The government also stated that it will pardon TPLF fighters and aid assistance will be restored.

However, soon after the implementation of the deal, the terror group again started spreading lies such as the Tigray region not receiving any humanitarian aid and Abiy Ahmed ordering rocket strikes on the region. This is again a tactic to reignite the conflict. In fact, TPLF and its sympathizers have again and again made remarks which are intended to escalate tensions in Ethiopia. For instance, the WHO Director General falsely claimed that Abiy Ahmed is responsible for massacring Tigrayans.

As it seems that situation in Tigray will go back to normal and peace will return, it has again done something which proves that the terror group is not done with the war. As part of its wider tactic, the TPLF has stated that it will only give up its arms and ammunition when the Eritrean military forces leave Ethiopia. It is well aware of the fact that as long as Eritrea remains in Ethiopia, its plan to attack Addis Ababa will not succeed and it will once again suffer a humiliating defeat.

Hence, it has put this as a precondition for peace. But as soon as the Eritrean military leaves Ethiopia, it might once again resume the fight. Like we said before, the US and Europe never want this conflict to be resolved because all their funds and nourishment of terror groups will go in vain.

There was a wider conspiracy behind the contradictory statements given by the leaders of TPLF in the media. They are pretending to be advocates of stability but the harsh reality is that they will not stop their plan to remove Abiy Ahmed.

As the Russia-Ukraine war has created an energy crisis, rich countries are desperate to steal the resources of Africa. Since the Horn of Africa is a region which has gold, uranium and potash and Ethiopia is the key to establishing dominance there, they won’t put an end to their agenda.

Seems like the Tigray crisis is not resolved, at least for now.

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