10 life lessons from Atomic Habits book that will shape your life

Atomic Habits book life lesson

10 life lessons from Atomic Habits book that will shape your life

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a book that delves into the power of small habits and how they can lead to big changes in life. In this article, we will explore 10 essential life lessons from the Atomic Habits book that can help transform your habits and ultimately, your life.

10 life lessons from Atomic Habits book

Atomic Habits book teaches 10 life lessons to improve habits. These lessons can transform your life and help you achieve your goals.

Get Enough Sleep Every Night

No matter what happens during your day, getting enough sleep at night is important. This in itself is an achievement for your body.

Improve Something by 1 percent

If you improve a habit by 1 percent every day for a year, you will be thirty-seven times better than you were the day before.

Develop a System

Setting goals clearly is not enough. What matters more is the step-by-step process to achieve it.

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Disconnection of goals with pleasure

Putting off the things and activities that make you happy and at peace until you are successful at what you want is not fair.

Make the habit part of your identity

When the good habit you want to acquire becomes your identity, nothing can stop you from perfecting it.

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Pointing and Calling Method

You can use this method to help you not forget things.

Change/modify the environment

A simple process like converting space into something will compel us to use it more in the end.

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Premak’s theory

It states that “more likely behaviours reinforce less likely behaviours.” Another term that can be easily understood is Temptation Bundling.

Two minute rule

Developing a new habit is hard, but that’s why this rule is perfect to follow. When trying to start something completely new, it should take about two minutes to complete.

Create a group to follow a habit

If we decide to join a group with a common interest and all work together, it can be a lot easier to stick to the habit.

Apply this 10 life lessons from Atomic Habits books in your life and witness the change and be the one you always wanted to be. Thank you for reading the article.

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