If you want to go out to a restaurant in Canada, just go to a club instead because the experiences at both places are now similar. You cannot hear anything except the extremely loud noise. But at least going to a club won’t harm your hearing, whereas eating at a Canadian restaurant might!
In Canada, some restaurants have gotten so unbearably loud that it is impossible to hear what the person seated next to you on the bench was saying.

The research of SoundPrint, an app for noise reveals that four out of ten restaurants in Canadian cities are so noisy that prolonged exposure can cause hearing impairment. These measurements were made during peak hours on the busiest days of the week.
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By 2050, the World Health Organization predicts that over 2.5 billion individuals will have hearing loss. It appears like Canadian restaurants are on a mission to validate WHO’s statistics.
Some of the eateries in my Toronto neighbourhood are classified as “extremely loud” by SoundPrint (81 dB or more), which can result in hearing loss over time. One is as noisy as a blender at 87 dB. Another is comparable to being 30 metres away from a diesel locomotive travelling at 72 miles per hour, with an average noise level of 83 dB. (however unlikely this comparison may be, it does paint a picture).
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The software still has the goal of assisting users in finding peaceful areas, but Scott notes that there are now additional uses for it. It now serves as a reliable source of information on how loud or quiet a venue is, and consequently, how loud or quiet a city is. A noise complaint function has also been implemented, allowing users to choose whether they want SoundPrint to notify the venue. A system is currently being built up to connect venue managers with acoustic specialists if they need assistance lowering the volume.