Alberta Premier Danielle Smith spoke to a pastor just weeks before his criminal trial on pandemic–related charges, promising she would again discuss his case with justice officials, beyond the earlier pleas she had already made on COVID–related prosecutions.
The phone conversation between Danielle Smith and Artur Pawlowski, a controversial Calgary street pastor, happened in early January, just weeks before his trial in Lethbridge on Feb. 2. Pawlowski faces charges of criminal mischief and an offence under Alberta‘s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act related to last year‘s Coutts, Alta., border blockade. A judge is set to deliver a verdict in early May.
In clear terms, this is just another attempt by Justin Trudeau and his lapdogs in media to tarnish the image of the Alberta Premier. Make no mistake, the hysterical pandemic restrictions were an abuse of power and should never have been tolerated by Parliament.
A free country would allow peaceful protests against perceived injustice even when cloaked under “law“. Yet, that didn‘t happen, and those opposing this totalitarianism of Trudeau are subjected to vilification by his cronies in the media. But why does Trudeau fear Smith’s rise in Alberta?
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Danielle Smith has always been a strong voice within the conservative movement in Canada, particularly in Western Canada, and has been increasingly active in Canadian political discourse in recent years. Smith‘s opposition to Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government is based on a range of issues, including climate change policy, energy policy, and economic policy. She argues that the current government‘s policies are harmful to the Canadian economy and to the country‘s energy sector in particular.
One of the key areas of disagreement between Danielle Smith and Trudeau is climate change policy. Trudeau has made climate change a key priority of his government, implementing a carbon tax and investing in renewable energy initiatives. Danielle Smith argues that these policies are damaging to the Canadian economy, particularly the energy sector, and that they will lead to job losses and economic decline. Smith has also been critical of Trudeau‘s economic policies, arguing that they are not effective at stimulating economic growth and job creation. She has even called for lower taxes, reduced government regulation, and increased support for small businesses and entrepreneurs as a way to boost economic growth and create jobs.
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Premier Danielle Smith has always campaigned on an “Alberta First” slogan and has made great strides in freeing the province from Trudeau’s clutches. It was a campaign of anger, grievance, conspiracies, and retribution—and her supporters loved it. She promised to fire the board of Alberta Health Services, get rid of “socialist“ public servants and, most notably, introduce an Alberta Sovereignty Act that she said would allow Alberta to ignore federal laws and court decisions deemed to be un–Albertan.
Soon after taking charge, Danielle Smith instructed her cabinet to take a tough stance in talks with Ottawa and to reject any agreement that imposes onerous conditions on receiving federal funds. She also threatened with abandoning such agreements. Ms. Smith also raised long–standing issues with federal health transfers, saying Alberta would not only press for increases but also insist that the money be given out unconditionally on a per–capita basis.
Under her stewardship, Alberta passed the “sovereignty act” that allowed the province to ignore federal laws, thereby setting the stage for a combative relationship with the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau. “It’s not like Ottawa is a national government,” said Smith. “The way our country works is that we are a federation of sovereign, independent jurisdictions. They are one of those signatories to the constitution and the rest of us, as signatories to the constitution, have a right to exercise our sovereign powers in our own areas of jurisdiction,” said Smith in a clear warning to Trudeau. As we may already know, PM Justin Trudeau is losing public confidence at an unprecedented rate. From record-high inflation, and human rights abuses, to various scandals, the average Canadian is terrified of re–electing Trudeau.
At such a juncture, to have somebody like Danielle Smith grow in popularity could prove to be detrimental to Trudeau’s political career. Thus, he has unleashed his puppets in the media to tarnish Smith’s image. This is not the first time that media outlets like CBC have come up with an opinionated story to help Trudeau. The Liberal poster boy has frequently used the CBC to disparage his rivals.
However, today a majority of Canadians harbour a deep scepticism towards media outlets like CBC et al. Therefore, Trudeau’s attempts to sideline Smith are, no doubt, bound to fail.