Ford government is not satisfied with the current level of wokeness in Ontario schools

In a move that has sparked controversy and concern among educators and parents alike, the Ford government in Ontario is set to assume greater control over the province’s school boards. The changes, which were announced last week, give the Ministry of Education more power to appoint trustees and to intervene in the operations of struggling boards.

Under the new rules, the Ministry will have the authority to appoint a supervisor to a board that is deemed to be in financial trouble or failing to meet its obligations. The supervisor would have the power to make decisions on behalf of the board, including hiring and firing staff and making budgetary decisions. Additionally, the Ministry will have the power to appoint up to three trustees to a board that has been deemed to be dysfunctional or ineffective.

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The Ontario Ford government argues that these changes are necessary to improve accountability and transparency in the province’s education system. They say that the current system, in which trustees are elected by the public, is prone to dysfunction and conflict, and that the Ministry needs to have more tools to intervene when necessary.

However, critics argue that the changes will undermine the independence of school boards and lead to greater centralization of power in the hands of the Ministry. They say that the changes will limit the ability of boards to respond to the needs of their local communities and that they will lead to a loss of diversity in school board governance.

Some education advocates have also raised concerns about the impact that these changes will have on student outcomes. They argue that the Ministry’s increased control over school boards will make it harder for boards to make decisions that are in the best interests of students, and that the changes will ultimately harm the quality of education in the province.

This move by the Ford government is just the latest in a series of controversial education reforms in Ontario. In recent years, the government has cut funding for school boards, increased class sizes, and introduced a new sex education curriculum that has been criticized by some conservative groups.

The changes to school board governance have also been met with opposition from the boards themselves. The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) has released a statement condemning the changes and expressing concern about the impact they will have on the ability of boards to fulfill their mandates.

In conclusion, the Ford government decision to assume greater control over Ontario school boards is a highly contentious move that has sparked concerns about the impact on accountability, transparency, and student outcomes. While the government argues that the changes are necessary to improve governance, critics say that they will undermine the independence of school boards and lead to a loss of diversity in education. Ultimately, only time will tell what impact these changes will have on the education system in Ontario.

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