Trudeau and Jagmeet have a new wild idea to meddle with Canadian Elections

The Liberal Party-NDP are about to unleash their latest spectacle of election meddling

Canadian Elections

Canadian Elections: We have entered the theatre of Canadian politics, where the preparations for the 2025 federal elections have started to take shape. The political tycoons of Canada are preparing for a war to secure their place in Ottawa.

Recent opinion polls have made one thing abundantly clear: the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party have a snowball’s chance in hell of defeating the conservative leader Pierre Poilevre. The numbers speak for themselves: LPC: 29.7%, CPC: 34%, and NDP: 20%. These figures are especially alarming considering that Canada is not even in the midst of an election frenzy.

However, in the realm of political shenanigans, our dynamic duo, JT and Jagmeet, are cooking up a scheme that defies democracy entirely. Trudeau and Jagmeet have concocted a brilliant plan to alter Canadian elections in their favor.

The three-day Canadian Elections

According to media reports, the federal government has demanded that the voting period be extended to three days in an attempt to encourage more Canadians to participate in the electoral process.

However, the country’s chief electoral officer, Stéphane Perrault, has raised concerns about this proposal. Perrault has pointed out that such a change could actually make voting less accessible.

Canadian Elections Source: The Hill Times

He warns that extending the voting period could lead to a loss of 25 to 40 percent of voters, resulting in unintended consequences and diminished accessibility. Perrault emphasizes the complexity of these issues and urges careful consideration before implementing any alterations.

While JT’s plan may sound convenient, Perrault cautions that adopting such a system would require electronic voter lists, a significant change that could lessen technical errors and potential interference. However, Trudeau has kept quiet about the recommendations.

Read more: Trudeau is preparing to clip the wings of the media. All Media. Even liberal media

Same Story

Interestingly, Trudeau has had a long-standing desire to change Canada’s electoral process. However, he conveniently backtracked on his own proposed ranked ballot system because it could have jeopardized his chances of winning.

Now, he wants to open a window for extending the electoral process so, that the tides could turn in his favor. It appears that their newfound stratagem is merely an attempt to exploit any potential errors or loopholes to secure their victory.

Source: The Globe and Mail

In their pursuit of power, Trudeau and Jagmeet seem willing to play fast and loose with the sanctity of the electoral process. While Canada may indeed be in need of a serious overhaul, hastily implementing changes without proper consideration could lead to widespread confusion and errors during voting and counting.

It’s clear that their primary goal is not to enhance democracy or ensure fair Canadian Elections but rather to secure their own political futures.

Read More: Trudeau’s global isolation is about to get worse.

So, as Trudeau and Jagmeet embark on their grand adventure to heat up Canadian elections, we can’t help but wonder: Is this really about serving the people, or is this simply another cunning scheme to hold onto power? Time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Canada deserves better than this staged exercise in political sleight-of-hand.

In the end, it’s up to the people of Canada to cut through the smokescreen and ask their leaders to answer for their actions. Our democracy’s future depends on it.

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