Canada was once known as the NATO military alliance’s first founding member. Those were the days when everyone looked to Canada for a response after the United States. Now, that allure has faded, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears to be humiliating rather than assisting allies.
In the ever-intensifying tensions between NATO allies and Russia, one ally’s loyalty to its other allies seems to be faltering: Canada. While NATO members have gone all guns blazing against Russia following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Canada has been conspicuously absent from the fray. The world has become increasingly unstable, reminiscent of the post-World War II era, and European nations on Russia’s doorstep are now contemplating the possibility of invasion.

Germany, the influential powerhouse of the European Union, recently made headlines with its participation in the “Air Defender” exercise—a mock drill involving 25 nations, 10,000 personnel, and 250 aircraft. The exercise aimed to test the readiness of NATO forces in the face of a potential invasion scenario. Yet, amidst this significant demonstration of solidarity, one major NATO member was missing from action: Canada.
Canada, led by a leader seemingly clueless about defending the country or the free world, missed out on the largest military exercise in history. Canada’s 35-year-old jet fighters were nowhere to be seen, leaving the nation with an embarrassing setback and a leader who prefers to play the role of a savior of homosexuality on the international stage rather than prioritizing national defense.
JT leaves exercise without notice
Air power is considered the first response in a crisis, as stated by Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, the chief of the German Air Force. By failing to participate in the Air Defender exercise, Canada has shown a lack of preparedness and undermined the trust of NATO allies. The military’s absence from such critical drills is a grave disservice to national defense and a stain on Canada’s former reputation as a reliable partner.

Not to mention, while NATO recognizes the need to bolster its military might, Canada’s reluctance to invest 2% of its GDP in NATO targets. Even this sends a clear message that the nation is not interested in the aid and assistance of its NATO allies. It seems that Prime Minister Trudeau has other priorities on his agenda, leaving military capabilities and position within the alliance compromised.
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This is not the first time Trudeau has done something similar; during the energy crisis back in 2022, Trudeau also denied Germany. So, yeah, he appears to be deliberately keeping allies in the dark. Canada must reconsider its priorities and reaffirm its commitment to the NATO alliance.
As the world remains tense, with tensions between NATO and Russia rising, Canada’s commitment to its allies is being called into question. It is past time for you to recognize the gravity of the situation, prioritize national defence, and restore trust in your previous commitment to NATO’s collective security. The stakes are too high for ignorance to be detrimental.
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