Dear Canadian Men! Don’t Suit Up. Just Tampon Up!

Tampons in men's washrooms? Is this inclusivity in action or a political blunder?

Canada is just getting more and more insane. This week the Liberal government has decided to now put tampons in male washrooms.

The latest move by Canada’s Liberal government is creating quite a stir. In a bid for inclusivity and accessibility, the government has mandated free menstrual products in all federal workplaces, including men’s washrooms. 

The directive, set to take effect today, was announced in an occupational health and safety update from Employment and Social Development Canada last month to promote inclusivity for transgender people as part of the government’s push for barrier-free access to menstrual products.

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“The regulations specify that menstrual products must be in all toilet rooms, regardless of their marked genders,” says the update. “This means that every female-identified, male-identified and all-gender toilet rooms will need to have menstrual products.”

UCLA supplies free menstrual products in restrooms regardless of gender

Read More: Tampons for males: the pinnacle of debauchery in Canada

Well it doesn’t stop there.

The directive also outlines guidelines for accessing these products in washrooms used by the public and alternative locations within the workplace. The news of this requirement spread rapidly across social media platforms, with former senator Linda Frum sharing a photo of feminine hygiene products in a men’s washroom on Parliament Hill. This sparked a debate, with responses criticizing the policy’s implementation.

“Back in the day, when only women menstruated, we had to pay for our own products,” she wrote. “But now that men menstruate, too, these products, as of this week, are mandated to be free in all men’s washrooms in all federal workplaces including Parliament Hill — where this photo was taken today.”

Frum, a Conservative member of the Senate from 2007 to 2021, received hundreds of responses critical of this directive.

“There are just no words to describe the idiocy of this policy,” one person shared in response to the image.

“Basically giving all federal employees free feminine products paid for by Canadian taxpayers,” another wrote. “What a scam.”

Menstrual products now required in boys’ and girls’ school bathrooms

“Liberal government employees will be stuffing their pockets and bringing these products (paid by taxpayers) home to pass out to their female family and friends,” said another. “Kind of like how the Libs award contracts, grants and ‘investments’.”

Some individuals voiced concerns over taxpayer money funding these free products, while others questioned the distribution of these items, suggesting they might end up being taken home by employees. “Imagine if instead of making them free in men’s rooms, they were donated to food banks,” the poster suggested.

This move has garnered significant attention and debate, with criticisms raised about the practicality and implications of providing free menstrual products in men’s washrooms in federal workplaces. 

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Seems like the government’s diving headfirst into a pool of absurdity. From gender-neutral restrooms to tampons in men’s washrooms—what’s next, a mandatory ‘menstruation training’ for all? While inclusivity is crucial, this move feels more like a political publicity stunt than a genuine attempt at progress. Taxpayer money’s being flushed down the drain for a questionable initiative. Instead of addressing real issues, they’re busy stocking up bathrooms. It’s time for the government to step out of the washroom and focus on matters that truly impact Canadians.

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