Working Across Timezones? Here’s How To Maintain Global Business Relations

Thanks to the rise of remote work and advanced tech, more and more companies are now navigating the ins and outs of managing employees across various area codes. You could have team members in India, Australia, China and the US, all working together to achieve a common goal. How amazing is that?

That said, while this worldwide environment can foster growth and invention, it definitely presents its own obstacles as well. And with various time zones, cultures and other differences to consider, there is no doubt that maintaining your business relations will require some strategic planning, flexibility, and a splash of creativity.

Here’s how you can keep your global business relations thriving, no matter where in the world you (and your team) may be.

1.   Use Tech Effectively

When you’re managing a global team, tech is naturally going to be a vital investment for your enterprise. From communication platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams to project management tools like Asana and Trello, hundreds of software developers have designed digital solutions intended to close the gap between your time zones for you. Video conferencing platforms, including Zoom and Google Meet, are also a fantastic method for you to meet and establish relationships with each of your team members face-to-face.

Most importantly, once you have chosen the right tools, it’s imperative to establish clear guidelines on how and when to use them. For example, urgent issues might require a quick Slack message, while detailed project updates are better suited for an email or a project management platform. Additionally, you can use PDF tools to compress PDF files, keeping those bulky documents at a manageable size and avoiding the ever present risk of clogging up email servers.

Using these tools consistently can help prevent misunderstandings and keep everyone on the same page, even if they are miles apart. Just make sure that everybody knows how to use them! Thankfully, with the advancement of PDF tools like Adobe Acrobat, your staff can enjoy minimal learning curves and an abundance of digital learning resources like YouTube tutorials and even written guides. With the right guides, you can learn how to convert zip files to PDFs, how to password protect PDFs, and even how to convert other file types into universally readable PDFs.

2.   Embrace Flexible Scheduling

If your team is international, obviously it doesn’t make sense to employ a single schedule for everyone. One person’s 9am might be someone else’s midnight, and this is where flexible scheduling can really save the day. Flexibility means allowing employees to work when they are most productive and available for key meetings, rather than adhering strictly to a 9-to-5 framework.

One way to do this is with core hours where everyone is expected to be available for key meetings and collaborations. Now, this may still be difficult for folks depending on where you are but TRY to find a time slot that works for the majority.  This guarantees a time window where synchronous communication can occur. Tools like World Time Buddy or can be super helpful for finding these golden hours, making it easier to schedule meetings that are convenient for most participants.

Remember, you want to find a middle ground that respects everyone’s time but keeps productivity levels up.

3.   Promote A Culture of Communication

Any successful team, particularly one that is distributed across multiple time zones relies on clear and consistent communication. And this is where promoting transparency and open communication can really be a game changer. This means not only sharing updates and feedback with your team regularly but also being mindful of how you communicate.

Written communication, for example, should be clear and concise to avoid potential misunderstandings that can arise from cultural differences or language barriers. Meanwhile, calls and text messages are indeed important components of communication, but should be kept to work hours only. The last thing you want is for an overseas employee’s phone to be ringing off the hook in the middle of the night.

Additionally, regular check-ins are vital. Daily stand-ups, weekly team meetings or one-on-one sessions will keep everyone connected and in the loop. Also remember to document meetings and conversations with everyone and share these updates with team members who could not participate due to time zone challenges. This ensures no one gets left out and helps to keep conversations transparent.

4.   Be Mindful Of Cultural Differences

When working with a global team, you will be dealing with people from different countries. Naturally, some of these differences can lead to people communicating and working differently, so being culturally aware and mindful can go a really long way in fostering strong relationships.

It all starts with taking the time to learn about the cultural norms and practices of your team members and clients. By having a better understanding of the nuances, you’ll be able to steer clear of awkward encounters whilst also demonstrating your respect for their traditions. For example, while some cultures appreciate direct and frank exchange of information, some may choose a more indirect approach. Recognising these differences allow you to better adapt your communication style.

5.   Prioritise Relationship Building

For any type of business, knowing how to build and maintain relationships is key to success, but this matters even more when you are working across time zones. When you aren’t able to have impromptu coffee chats or water cooler conversations, taking it easy with relationship-building activities is not an option. Whether that be through virtual happy hours, team-building exercises or just checking on the well-being of employees personally — make sure you carve out space for unstructured and informal chat.

Furthermore, thanking your team for working so hard and accomplishing amazing feats is another way to increase the goodwill you share with each other. Even just one little thank-you note, or shoutout during a meeting could go such a long way. Remember, strong relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, and taking the time to nurture these relationships can lead to a more engaged and productive team.

6.   Plan Ahead For Time Zone Challenges

Got a super important virtual meeting coming up? Unfortunately, time zone differences can put a real monkey wrench in your plans. This is why planning ahead is CRUCIAL. When scheduling meetings or setting deadlines, always consider the time zones of all participants.  A good tip is to make use of scheduling tools that automatically adjust for time zones, ensuring everyone is clear on the timing.

Also, establish realistic response time expectations. Realise that quick replies might not happen due to time zone differences and allow for some leeway and buffer time for responses. When working on projects, factor in the extra time required for coordination and communication. Disregarding these differences can lead to a lot of frustration, conflict and in many cases more stress for your team, so being mindful and planning ahead will go a long way in ensuring smooth operations.

7.   Measure and Adapt

Finally, it’s important to periodically evaluate your strategies for global business relations. Remember, managing a remote or overseas team/business connections takes time, effort, and a lot of adapting. So, don’t be discouraged if you aren’t able to achieve that delicate balance immediately.

Collecting feedback from employees is a great way to identify where you’re succeeding, and where you need to improve. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to your processes and strategies. Additionally, consider implementing regular reviews of communication tools and workflows. Are your current tools still serving you? Is there anything better out there that could enhance your operations?

In an ever changing landscape of global business, keeping your mind open to change and being flexible is key to maintaining positive relations.

Navigating the challenges of working across time zones can seem daunting, but with these strategies in place, it can be a smooth and rewarding experience. It’s a big wide world out there,  but with a bit of creativity and strategic planning, you can make it feel a lot more connected.

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