Google, YouTube come to Trudeau’s rescue

YouTube teams up with Trudeau against India

Image Source : apnews

Today, we have questions for Google? Why it is stopping us from exposing the government of Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister? Why YouTube is censoring our videos on Khalistanis, the very extremists at the core of this whole India-Canada controversy? By demonetizing videos on Canada and Khalistanis, Why YouTube is discouraging creators across the world from telling the Truth, which is suppressed by Trudeau-aligned media in Canada? Are Google and YouTube in bed with Justin Trudeau? And now, what should India do to ensure freedom of speech on this American platform?

Lots of questions! YouTube may or may not respond to them but standing up to the big tech is the least TFI Global can do. And we will never shy away from doing that!

Over the last two weeks, TFI Global and our sister channels have produced and published several videos exposing Trudeau’s links to these extremist elements. Without fail, all of them were instantly demonetized, they were declared unsuitable for ads. We also experienced a dramatic drop in their reach, even up to 90 per cent drop in viewership for some videos. This came even after we followed and we generally follow all guidelines and ‘do’s and don’ts’ for YouTube and Google. We never showed any gory images, any violent scene, anything that can disturb our viewers.

But still YouTube keeps censoring our videos on Khalistanis in the name of upholding its community guidelines.

Just few days back, we told you how Justin Trudeau officially issued a document complaining that the Indian media, including TFI Global, was ruthlessly puncturing the narrative of his government amid the diplomatic spat with India.

The Trudeau government then complained that Indian media enjoys massive reach on platforms like X, Facebook and YouTube and said it was worried that people in Canada might have been exposed to content posted by them.

The document reads, “Canada’s media outlets have a small presence, with few media entities breaking even a million subscribers. Canada’s low subscriber numbers in comparison suggest Modi-aligned media create a distinct advantage in amplifying negative narratives about Canada.”

Looks like Google is now working overtime to address Trudeau’s concerns, by essentially killing the reach of every video that exposes his regime.

Trudeau doesn’t like to be questioned, a trait that he shares with China’s Xi Jinping or perhaps North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un. In fact, his regime has already censored right-wing outlet called Rebel News in Canada. His administration even jailed Rebel News reporter David Menzies for just trying to approach and question Chrystia Freeland, the deputy PM of Canada.

And not just that, Trudeau-aligned CTV News even blocked the access for Indians to its interview with outgoing Indian high commissioner to Canada, in which he brutally exposed Trudeau and his Khalistani masters.

So, when Indians tried to access the interview in which the Indian envoy roasted Trudeau, the web page said, “Access Denied; you don’t have permission to access …. on this server.”

Seems like free speech only exists on paper under Trudeau’s regime.

And Google, instead of standing up to Trudeau’s undemocratic diktats, is training its gun on news outlets like TFI Global. It’s high time the government of India looks into this matter as soon as possible and hold Google and YouTube responsible for this brazen censorship of Indian outlets.

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