10 Best Yoga Poses to Improve Lung Capacity and Breathing 

Editor: Manish Jain

Image credits: Unsplash

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Deep Breathing: Inhale and exhale deeply before beginning. Your stomach should rise and fall like a soft wave. 

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Mountain Pose: Align your limbs with your arms by your sides and assume the mountain pose. Inhale deeply!

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Seated Forward Bend: Take a seat and spread your legs wide. Lean forward and make contact with your toes. 

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Bridge Pose: In the Bridge Pose, raise your hips and bend your knees while lying on your back. Breathe slowly in and out.

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Cat-Cow Stretch: Stretch yourself like a cow and get on all fours to perform the cat-cow pose. 

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Child’s Pose: Lean forward while sitting on your heels, opening your arms in front of you. Breathe slowly, allowing your chest and back to unwind. 

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Cobra Pose: Place your hands beneath your shoulders while in the cobra pose. Using the muscles in your back, slowly raise your chest. 

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Fish Pose: In the fish pose, raise your chest while lying on your back and rest on your elbows. Take a deep breath and sense your chest expanding. 

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Warrior Pose: Inhale and exhale with the strength and bravery of a warrior. This pose improves confidence and strengthens the lungs!

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Corpse Pose: Breathe deeply and calmly, releasing any tension with each breath. This pose promotes calmness and ease of breathing.