In the thrilling battleground of the 21st century, where technology reigns supreme, the true power lies within the tiny confines of silicon...
At first glance, the camaraderie between Russia and China appears to be a diplomatic painting worthy of the Louvre – a harmonious...
The China-Taiwan issue is one of the most complex and highly politicized geopolitical disputes on the global stage. Both nations share a...
"Pull up a chair, folks, and grab your popcorn. It's 'Deja Vu: A Tragicomedy Starring the United States' – all set to...
Vietnam Money Laundering Case: 21 people were arrested in Kaohsiung as part of an ongoing investigation into an international money-laundering crime ring....
Sakhalin projects: Japan has decided to purchase Russian crude oil above the $60-a-barrel cap, breaking away from the US-led efforts to impose...
China is crawling back to North Korea! After ghosting them during the Covid-19 pandemic, China is suddenly interested in reviving its relationship...
Recent decision of Indonesia to phase out the use of Visa and Mastercard has sent shockwaves through the global business community. The...
In the current geopolitical environment of Ukraine vs Russia, two countries have demonstrated the veracity of the well-known tale of the rabbit-turtle...
There were no “two” Koreas before 1953. The Korean peninsula was a united territory ruled by the Goryeo dynasty till 1392 and...
This week, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives and a high-ranked politician met the prime ministers of Singapore...
Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation has long been an extraordinary example for several societies in the world. Despite its large...