Amidst the backdrop of impending crucial elections in 2024, former President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, underscored the stark contrast between...
Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin, while in Poland for a high-level meeting, offered some candid and, let's say, interesting insights. Speaking to US...
Is Europe's Evolution America's Revolution? Biden Might Need a Wake-Up Call. Germany and France: The Power Duo Shaking Up the EU's Future?...
Was peace Ukraine's missed jackpot? With Russia knocking on the door, did Ukraine bet on the wrong hand? Are Western allies singing...
Seeking a different war story? Picture this: soldiers in their 40s, battling Russian aggression. How does Ukraine's troop shift redefine the war...
Rishi Sunak's recent decision to appoint David Cameron as the seventh foreign secretary in seven years is a move that is both...
Slovakia has often been called a bastion of pro-Russia forces. Yet, the former administration under PM Eduard Heger leaned heavily towards the...
In the complex web of international politics, where alliances are tested and aid is given with cautious optimism, one nation finds itself...
The potential for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) to secure victory in the next German federal election and elevate Tino Chrupalla to...
Moldova on the Brink of Dictatorship? A Sharp Turn Towards Russia. Brussels' Silence Speaks Volumes. Dive In for the Answers. It is...
Inflation Reduction Act: Amidst the chaos of global politics, a subtle power struggle simmers beneath the surface. Today, we unravel the unreported...
A few months ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky removed his most trusted Defence Minister, Aleksii Reznikov, on the grounds of incompetence in...